Simpl Windows fb/press Issue
6 повідомлення
Is PAGEJOINTRANSMIT a command-line feature of the DGE-200?
Phil Bridges
I need your help
I Have a Clipsal Dali Gateway for lighting control I need any method to integrate with Crestron Any Module except that found at the App Market
Tamer Mahany
#cp3 #crestron #programming #simplwindows
5 повідомлення
I think the Cresnet port -IS- available on a 3-series processor in Slave mode. Answer ID 5232 describes it, and I'm fairly certain I've done it before.
Tony Golden
Lessons Learned - Crestron EISC
8 повідомлення
It let's me edit my posts
Eric Luckart
Crestron CGEIB-IP KNX gateway
9 повідомлення
Hi, Finally find out what i was missing, when i made knx address coding to EIS EIB interworking standard it started working. In crestron Demo knx file it is in different value. No need to do anything
Raffik K.A
Atlona PTZ Pelco-D String
5 повідомлення
Thanks, I'll have to do some more digging. I did find a Spectra IV camera module that uses the Pelco-D protocol that when my guys were on site I would test the commands already in the module. I was on
Corbin Lovering
Repeat IR Commands
3 повідомлення
I normally use serial on Samsung Art TV's. On the ones that I have to use IR, I use the discrete power commands to power the TV on and off. I then use the power toggle to enter art mode.
Eric Luckart
Analog Newbie Question
9 повідомлення
Yes, has a customer call me because their electric screen was not coming down. I suggested they check the power before we investigate control. Sure enough, a contractor there for some other job had tu
SImpl+ Windows 10 Compile Errors
5 повідомлення
After getting a new programming laptop, I noticed that the default user database locations for IR and modules was relocated to the "Public Documents" folder. I'm assuming that this is due to all of th
Brian Matson
4 Volume output Feedback to One Gauge/Slider
4 повідомлення
Pretty much. You can pass the output of the slider to the zone and pass the feedback from the zone to the slider. From: <> on behalf of Corbin Lovering <Corbin.Lovering@controlmyworl
Control Crosspoints
2 повідомлення
Many ways to do it. But the way I usually do it is have two sets of crosspoints. One set is for source or device control. The other set is for room control (volume, source selection, power, etc) I kee
Steve Kuehn
IP Table Offline
6 повідомлення
FYI, for Crestron IP-controlled products, the Hardware device/IP connection uses only the IP-ID. The connection ip address is a loopback: (except for a few maddening quasi-Crestron devices)
Problem RF MC3 (lose connection)
3 повідомлення
5 years
Javier Antonio Chandomí Gómez
6 повідомлення
Daniel I have an entire Crestron-Hubitat module set that is available for download from my GitHub. You can easily transfer information back to the Hubitat by setting up a virtual device, such as a swi
WattBox WB-150-IPW-1B-2 and Crestron driver - Checking for power
4 повідомлення
Although I don't have much experience with the WiFi units (primarily just the ethernet units), it should operate essentially the same. The v1.9 module provides for real outlet status feedback (output:
CrestronDataStore simpl# library and Simpl+ modules
If it helps anyone out, I published a Simpl# library / SImpl modules that provide a Simpl Windows interface to the CrestronDataStore.
Andy Ross
Cisco SX80/Webex Room Kit Plus codecs Join Webex functionality to Crestron touchpanels
3 повідомлення
I had written a custom module for these requirements years ago. The protocol is pretty straightforward.
Troy Garner
#simplwindows #cp3 Bosch DCN CCU
3 повідомлення
Yes I did the same steps. I have no issue sending Bosch command, however the return in simpl debugger "from device" are in pieces , not in one row. I have tested with CP3 and AV2, when i used AV2 the
jully Wei
is the panel activity timer active when using apps?
Apologies if this appears twice. The first post never seemed made it to the group. I've got a project where I'm upgrading an existing system from polycom group series to Crestron flex. The designer wa
Mark Lambert
is the panel activity timer active when using apps?
Hey Folks, I've been asked to modify an existing system, changing out polycom group series codecs for flex systems. Part of the change requires moving from "Touch the screen to start" room on to "anyt
Mark Lambert
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