Error: "sector 0000 does not exist" in STM32CubeProgrammer
I had the same problem with tinyPFA, after downgrading to 2.15 programming worked without problem, Thanks
Ken Meyfroodt
· #36491
Error: "sector 0000 does not exist" in STM32CubeProgrammer
Hi Nelson, Several people had this problem, got over it after that. - it was not clear what caused it. Yours is the first more specific problem solution. I am crosslink one tis topic: https://groups.i
· #36350
Error: "sector 0000 does not exist" in STM32CubeProgrammer
Today I got my NanoVNA out of storage after a couple of years; then tried to upgrade the firmware; I got the latest STM32CubeProgrammer version and also got the latest firmware; after fiddling with th
· #36349
VNA Case studies Analysis Interpretation
Hi Bill , at first you can look at the kiwi section of the groups. There are many informations and links on the subsection Of course Keysigth , Nat
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #35217
VNA Case studies Analysis Interpretation
Keysite, R&S, and Advantest (Tek) all have general tutorials addressing vector network analyzers. Once you become familiar with the basics, you should be able to use any similar instrument. Dave - WØL
· #35212
VNA Case studies Analysis Interpretation
I'd be interested in those too!
Mike Charters VA6PLC
· #35211
VNA Case studies Analysis Interpretation
Copper Mountain and Keysight/Agilent/HP both have lots of tutorial material for VNAs. The other possible source is the syllabus from a class at University of Alberta - during COVID, they sent out a pa
Jim Lux
· #35210
VNA Case studies Analysis Interpretation
Where can I find detailed analysis, interpretations, insights, and teachings of case studies and examples of scan outputs from various test experiments, so I can learn how to interpret the output and
· #35209
FW flashing with STM32CubeProgrammer
That is OK, because the upload to the PC reads the complete 128KByte from the flash including the unused bytes after the program at the memory end while the FW files of about 100K contain only the pro
· #33777
FW flashing with STM32CubeProgrammer
I have made some progress. I wanted to be able to extract the FW from my device for backup. I can't seem to find FW that matches mine online. This (
Peter (WB3IZU)
· #33776
FW flashing with STM32CubeProgrammer
I am doing something wrong. I uploaded bin file of memory to my computer (NanoVNA.H.v1.1.00FromVanoVNA.bin). If I compare what I saved to my computer to memory, I get a match. I then downlodaed from d
Peter (WB3IZU)
· #33755
FW flashing with STM32CubeProgrammer
I think I have finally gotten something installed to flash new FW on my NanoVNA-H. I installed STM32CubeProgrammer on MacOS Ventura. I tried, unsuccessfully, on Windows 11 under VMWare Fusion. In addi
Peter (WB3IZU)
· #33745
New member question
Same here. I use my NanoVNA H4 for a lot of things, but I have used it in analyzing and tuning antennas for all the ham bands from 475 kHz through 1296 MHz. Zack W9SZ wrote:
Zack Widup
· #31449
New member question
For outdoor use, the NanoVNA-F screen is much more readable. I started with a 2.8 inch -H and could not read it outdoors to tune my vertical antenna. I had to go inside and to the other end of the hou
· #31448
New member question
Nano VNA-F works fine for me.
Álvaro Felipe Hernández
· #31447
New member question
I have the H4 from DSlord and am very happy with it. I typically use it in the yard for antenna building and test, and have used it at field day for tweaking wire antennas. As mentioned, Dslord does k
Earl Griffith
· #31445
New member question
good to know too many people have sites to collect and sell personal info
· #31442
New member question
Works today here Lester B Veenstra K1YCM MØYCM W8YCM 6Y6Y W8YCM/6Y 6Y8LV (Reformed USNSG CTM1) lester@... 452 Stable Ln Keyser WV 26726 USA GPS: 39.336826 N 78.982287 W (Google) GPS: 39.3368
Lester Veenstra
· #31441
New member question
I have found I cannot connect to when I am using my Virtual Private Network. When I turn off the VPN, it easily connects.
Donald Adams
· #31440
New member question
i recon so i'll just keep poke'n at it till it wakes up
· #31439
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