iag-hgsgEmail list of the IAG health-geography-study-group (website: https://iag-health-geography-study-group.github.io/) for general newsy stuff, job ads, notices of events etc.Створено:
12 Members,
0 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
iag-hgsg-adminFor us to collect stuffСтворено:
3 Члени,
1 Тема,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
IAGUTHRI / Guthrie County, Iowa Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, IAGUTHRI. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Guthrie County, Iowa including the surrounding region of southwestern Iowa.Створено:
14 Members,
4 Теми,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
IAHANCOC / Hancock County, Iowa Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, IAHANCOC. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Hancock County, Iowa including the surrounding region of north central Iowa.Створено:
5 Members,
0 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
IAHARDIN / Hardin County, Iowa Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, IAHARDIN. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Hardin County, Iowa including the surrounding region of central Iowa.Створено:
13 Members,
5 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
IAHARRIS / Harrison County, Iowa Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, IAHARRIS. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Harrison County, Iowa including the surrounding region of southwestern Iowa and the surrounding counties in Nebraska.Створено:
15 Members,
3 Теми,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
IAHENRY / Henry County, Iowa Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, IAHENRY. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Henry County, Iowa including the surrounding region of southeastern Iowa.Створено:
23 Члени,
5 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
IAHOWARD / Howard County, Iowa Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, IAHOWARD. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Howard County, Iowa including the surrounding region of northeastern Iowa and southeastern Minnesota.Створено:
5 Members,
3 Теми,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
IAHUMBOL / Humboldt County, Iowa Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, IAHUMBOL. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Humboldt County, Iowa including the surrounding region of north central Iowa.Створено:
4 Члени,
4 Теми,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
IAIDA / Ida County, Iowa Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, IAIDA. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Ida County, Iowa including the surrounding region of northwestern Iowa.Створено:
4 Члени,
0 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
IAJACKSO / Jackson County, Iowa Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, IAJACKSO. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Jackson County, Iowa including the surrounding region of east central Iowa and the surrounding counties in Wisconsin and Illinois.Створено:
21 Учасник,
8 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
IAJASPER / Jasper County, Iowa Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, IAJASPER. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Jasper County, Iowa including the surrounding region of central Iowa.Створено:
29 Members,
5 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
IAJEFFER / Jefferson County, Iowa Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, IAJEFFER. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Jefferson County, Iowa including the surrounding region of southeastern Iowa.Створено:
12 Members,
3 Теми,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
IAJOHNSONA genealogical mailing list for Johnson County, Iowa.Створено:
10 Members,
1 Тема,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
IAKOSSUT / Kossuth County, Iowa Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, IAKOSSUT. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Kossuth County, Iowa including the surrounding region of north central Iowa and south central Minnesota.Створено:
8 Members,
1 Тема,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
IALINN / Linn County, Iowa Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, IALINN. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Linn County, Iowa including the surrounding region of east central Iowa.Створено:
33 Члени,
10 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
IALOUISA / Louisa County, Iowa Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, IALOUISA. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Louisa County, Iowa including the surrounding region of southeastern Iowa and northwestern Illinois.Створено:
22 Члени,
2 Теми,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
IALUCAS / Lucas County, Iowa Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, IALUCAS. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Lucas County, Iowa including the surrounding region of south central Iowa.Створено:
13 Members,
4 Теми,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
IALYON / Lyon County, Iowa Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, IALYON. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Lyon County, Iowa including the surrounding region of northwestern Iowa and southwestern Minnesota.Створено:
6 Members,
0 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
IAM / About IAMThis is a group that talks about Identity & Access Management (IAM) and its latest trends/updates.Створено:
1 Учасник,
0 Topics,
Public Archive,
Останнє повідомлення:
41 - 60 з 1250