Getting return loss
I think it was because the OP said >> "How can I get it? I'm using c# and rs232 communication."<< Most of us read that as he wanted to do serial communication between the NanoVNA and the computer. Rog
Roger Need
· #26990
Getting return loss
Zahi Not sure why no one gave you the direct, easy answer. Chose the log mag display on your vna. That is return loss. Ron N4XD
Ron Spencer N4XD
· #26987
Getting return loss
Thanks, Roger. Larry - The SAA2 binary protocol is described in this document.... Roger
Larry Rothman
· #26979
Getting return loss
Even easier, there's a command line way to get to any of the NanoVNA flavors, using NanoVNA-Saver. See this post from the nanovnav2 list: Many thanks Jim Thi
Jim Lux
· #26975
Getting return loss
Larry - The SAA2 binary protocol is described in this document.... Roger
Roger Need
· #26969
Getting return loss
If you're new to the Nanovna, please read the beginners guide in the files section. There are other reference guides there too. I wrote a console command guide that explains all the serial (usb) comma
Larry Rothman
· #26965
Getting return loss
Zahid, There have been many messages regarding return loo in the forum. You should be able to use the search function and search for "return loss" and you will find a lot of info that has been covered
Larry Rothman
· #26956
Getting return loss
Hi, I'm new to nanovna, I want to use it to get the return loss. How can I get it? I'm using c# and rs232 communication. Thanks, Zahi
· #26955
DfuSe Demo: Upload vs Upgrade Confusion
No problem - I tend to 'speed read' and miss stuff too ;-) There are two UI versions of the modified exe - one is normal size and one is about twice as large. I found the large UI one by accident when
Larry Rothman
· #23434
DfuSe Demo: Upload vs Upgrade Confusion
All OK now. Thanks for calling it to my attention.
Jack K1VT
· #23432
DfuSe Demo: Upload vs Upgrade Confusion
It appears you didn't read my instructions in the zip file. You need to install the ORIGINAL DfuSeDemo software and only then, swap the DfuSeDemo.exe file located in the bin folder (C:\Program Files (
Larry Rothman
· #23416
DfuSe Demo: Upload vs Upgrade Confusion
There was an attachment - see: It shows STDFU.dll to be missing. David
David J Taylor
· #23407
DfuSe Demo: Upload vs Upgrade Confusion
No attachment. I assume it's a checksum type error? There is nothing to install. All you need to do is replace the original exe with my modded one. On Sun., 18 Jul. 2021 at 4:10 p.m., Jack Mandelman<k
Larry Rothman
· #23398
DfuSe Demo: Upload vs Upgrade Confusion
Larry , please see attachment for an error message when trying to install your modded version. My PC is running 64bit WIN10. Thanks for any help with getting the install working. Jack
Jack K1VT
· #23396
DfuSe Demo: Upload vs Upgrade Confusion
A big improvement! Thanks!
Steve Harbin KT5G
· #17035
DfuSe Demo: Upload vs Upgrade Confusion
Yeah, I think I'll put a readme in the zip file explaining again, to save the files to the DefSeDemo bin folder. BTW, they aren't wrappers - I edited the text in the original DfuSe binary as an experi
Larry Rothman
· #17029
DfuSe Demo: Upload vs Upgrade Confusion
On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 12:10 PM, Larry Rothman wrote: I've added an entry in the forum's Wiki in the Help section, regarding the difference between Upgrade and Upload in the DfuSe utility. Users new
· #17028
DfuSe Demo: Upload vs Upgrade Confusion
Folks, I've added an entry in the forum's Wiki in the Help section, regarding the difference between Upgrade and Upload in the DfuSe utility. Users new to this utility get confused on the terminology
Larry Rothman
· #17027
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