amount of FOCC - sorry for this question
I think if you eat this amount (blended smooth with an immersion blender) plus you add ground flax seeds, walnuts, and organic berries, you will likely feel full from it. I add ginger powder and cinna
Izabela Frank
· #147545
The FOCC worked for me, albeit mine was a very small and non-aggressive cancer. I did not follow the whole protocol, but I did eat the FOCC for breakfast and dinner every day for over a year (with org
Izabela Frank
· #144404
New to protocol & have a question, please
Hi, Good Culture and Kalona are two organic CC brands that don't have unwanted additives. I get Good Culture at Whole Foods and Kalona through my co-op in NYC. All the best!
Izabela Frank
· #144401
[SOCIAL NETWORK] Re: Essiac tea
Hi, I believe Dr. Budwig was against taking supplements in a processed form, but encouraged eating healthy foods. I would categorize tea and spirulina and chlorella and turmeric as foods, not suppleme
Izabela Frank
· #144225
Flu Shot
I second that. It’s best to avoid as many toxins as possible, especially if you are sick. Vaccines are full of toxins and do nothing to strengthen your actual immune system. Best, Iza sent telepathica
Izabela Frank
· #142777
For Elena, about your dog, Gard
Hi Elena, I am very sorry about Gard's cancer and am hoping for remission. I just wanted to mention that you might want to look into cannabis for Gard as well. I used cannabis in my healing as well as
Izabela Frank
· #142633
DCIS Stage 0, Non-invasive
Here is a quote I saved from Christiane Northrup, a prominent women's health doctor.: "The reality is, if you buy into the cultural fears around breast cancer, you may be subjecting your breasts to ha
Izabela Frank
· #139511
pancreatic cancer only 3 weeks to live
This docuseries, about the medical properties of cannabis, profiles several people with various cancers including a woman with pancreatic cancer with mets. She's surviving with improved quality of lif
Izabela Frank
· #139504
Hi Dana, When I had papillary thyroid cancer, I saw a naturopath who specializes in thyroid cancer and he prescribed mistletoe to me (amongst other supplements). The mistletoe was for self-administere
Izabela Frank
· #139091
Hemp oil [1 Attachment]
Hello, The active ingredients in StopMyPain are Calendula, Almond and Peppermint Oil and the inactive ingredients are listed on their website: Inactive ingredients: Almond oil; Alpha-Pinene; Beta-Pine
Izabela Frank
· #139017
Reaction to CC....replacement?
You might want to skip eating grains especially and perhaps warm veggies in exchange for having that second serving of FOCC (still eating raw salads and juices)? This is just a suggestion for helping
Izabela Frank
· #138863
Has anyone had success or failure with the Budwig diet for Crohn's disease?
Has anyone had success or failure with the Budwig diet for Crohn's disease? I'd love to help a friend who is young and otherwise healthy but not doing so well due to Crohn's. Thanks in advance for tak
Izabela Frank
· #138688
Breast Cancer - new to the group!
Me too! Thanks! Iza
Izabela Frank
· #137294
New to Budwig Protocol and have some questions for vegans
Hi All, I was vegan and did a good amount of detoxing with only fruits and vegetables before I started the BP a couple days ago. My problem is that the museli makes me so full and so burpy, that I can
Izabela Frank
· #137262
I'm vegan and I just started the protocol and am experiencing unwanted phlegm too. Unfortunately, that's due to the cheese in my opinion. I'd really rather be eating something else, but I'm going to s
Izabela Frank
· #137261
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