
Missing group membership 9 повідомлення
The Beachhead nanny group would benefit from a Welcome Notice rather than having all that extra verbiage on their homepage. https://groups.io/helpcenter/ownersmanual/1/managing-member-notices/welcome-
Від Frances ·
Preventing Outlook From Filtering Messages 2 повідомлення
You can “teach” Outlook’s AI not to send emails from certain domains to junk. I’m not near my computer- writing this on my phone- otherwise I would do a short video for you. But on a desktop PC, you c
Від Ken KN2D ·
remove members? 2 повідомлення
An owner (or a higher-permission mod) needs to give you the Remove Members permission. Cheers, Christos On 2024-02-03 16:17, Janaki Kuruppu via groups.io wrote:
Від Christos Psarras ·
Moving Contents of a Group 3 повідомлення
Hi Duane, I figured as much. Thanks for the response. Joi
Від Joi Jackson ·
Billing Premium Subscription; ? how to change "owner" e-mail address for upcoming annual bill 4 повідомлення
On Mon, Jul 10, 2023 at 04:58 PM, Ernestine Bayer wrote: My name appears as the "payor" but it is not my e-mail address where the "owner" e-mail is listed on the invoice. ??? Sounds like you input the
Від Duane ·
Ever since I migrated my domain to iCloud, Groups.io suspends delivery indicating messages are bouncing 7 повідомлення
Yes, you would subscribe both email addresses: one to send and one to receive. I would probably set the iCloud address to no email, too. I think that would eliminate problems with emails bouncing. I h
Від Becky Fiedler ·
The IO Groups 5 повідомлення
Alright thank you for the information! Groetjes Annemarie Mijn lessen site https://wtkdesign.nl Mijn posersite https://wtkposerdesign.jouwweb.nl
Від ... ·
Restoring my group 4 повідомлення
On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 2:49 PM 88e28m5 via groups.io <88e28m5@...> wrote: Thanks I got it recovered
Від ... ·
Group Settings 4 повідомлення
Issue resolved
Від ... ·
Name change 3 повідомлення
You need to be more specific. Your group name, your display name, or your user name? Duane
Від Duane ·
adding images to wiki 4 повідомлення
There was a glitch. It should be fixed now - https://beta.groups.io/g/main/message/32125 Duane
Від Duane ·
Disable Email Address Truncation on Website 4 повідомлення
You could contact support@groups.io or post a #suggestion on the beta group (preferred), but I wouldn't expect it to be changed so that individuals would control it. It's a group Privacy setting, so i
Від Duane ·
Profile photo changes 6 повідомлення
I suspect you may be in the wrong place. This is a support group for Groups.io which has nothing to do with Google Groups. Regards Andy
Від Andy Wedge ·
Allow messenger@... to send to group 4 повідомлення
Many thanks Shal! I have successfully configured the email integration.
Від Lulu Mullaney ·
Calendar query - Is there a way to allow other users to amend an event I set up? 2 повідомлення
Who can update the calendar is determined by your group settings and if you want every member to be able to edit a calendar event then you can do that. Go to Admin > Settings > Features (panel) and lo
Від Andy Wedge ·
Can a single account have more than one group? 6 повідомлення
Makes sense. But the bottom line for me is that if each of those 20 was premium I'd be paying 20*$20/mo. And I see now that I can create more than one Basic group. It just uses the plan pricing page a
Від ... ·
Unable to respond to a group message 4 повідомлення
Dina, If you're using recent versions of Thunderbird to read your messages this is a known incompatibility with the footer reply links. https://beta.groups.io/g/main/topic/77803845#26699 As you've lea
Від Shal Farley ·
Error in member subscription 6 повідомлення
Hi ti all. Thanks for the help. Yesterday was a bad day for me. I am going to get in contact with him and we will start the process all over again, and record every step for troubleshooting. Filipe Al
Від Filipe Almeida ·
Status of group 4 повідомлення
It will revert to Basic after the trial, but all options are open at any time. See https://groups.io/helpcenter/ownersmanual/1/upgrading-or-downgrading-groups Duane
Від Duane ·
More specific help on reply to messages 5 повідомлення
re: "Have I got this correct?" Partly, but not entirely. These are email-based lists with a web interface. They are designed to work from either email or from the web. One can always use email. One ca
Від Andy I ·