Installing DfuSe On Windows 11 ??
Thanks Stan, Sorry for the late response to this. I have been tearing my hair out over the past couple of days trying to get this to work. As it stands at the moment, I am still no further forward fro
· #38794
Installing DfuSe On Windows 11 ??
Please see this set of instructions I compiled when dealing with this problem, in the files area of this group:
Stan Dye
· #38785
Installing DfuSe On Windows 11 ??
Hi All, I have a NanoVNA H4 with version: firmware. I wish to upgrade the firmware using a '.dfu' file. To do that I would need to install DfuSe_Demo_V3.0.6 But have noticed when I plug in the
· #38783
Model identification and proper firmware
None of these are 'clones', they are all copies with slight variations. As the original design was open-source, anyone can manufacture these. All the units above are nanoVNA-H and you can use any firm
Larry Rothman
· #37749
Model identification and proper firmware
Hello I have this nanovna labelled "-H", but from info online (including the wiki here) it seems to have the PCB case from the original nanovna along with maybe a -H pcb? The info screen says "NanoVNA
· #37743
Updating firmware
The Absolute Beginners Guide in the files section has details on how to update your firmware. DiSlord v1.2.27 is very recent firmware and not much different than the latest version. I suggest you get
Roger Need
· #37701
Updating firmware
Look at this and see if it helps
Stan Dye
· #37700
Updating firmware
Hello, I'm new to this group and also a new NanoVNA -H4 user. At the moment of my purchase it came with Dslord v1.2.27 firmware on it. I now try to update the firmware to lastest v1.2.29 with a dfu fi
Phil, ON4VP
· #37698
Nanovna-H display issue
Many many thanks, mate. It helps me a lot. Finally able to fix the issue. now it is working fine. Again thanks. 73 S21APJ
· #37506
Nanovna-H display issue
The new NanoVNA-H utilizes an LCD driven by ST7789, and you can acquire firmware files that end with the suffix SM_ST here.
· #37505
Nanovna-H display issue
I bought a Nanovna-H from China. The language was Chinese. To make it English I upgrade the firmware. Before updating the firmware the display was ok and horizontal. But after the update, the display
· #37504
Seriously struggling to get NanoVNA-H working on Windows 11
I am also using windows 11. First I would remove the driver you installed as I have a feeling that is causing your problems. For the record, I didn't even bother installing a driver and on my system i
· #37110
Seriously struggling to get NanoVNA-H working on Windows 11
Hi all, I'd like to first start out that I am a noob to nanovna, but not pc's in general. I'd like to think I know my way around a PC. Love it or hate it, I'm currently on Windows 11. Trying desperate
· #36850
Ojisan Firmware on NanoVNA V2 Plus4 stuck white screen
I see, thanks! .. and do you know by any chance if there's a firmware or a way to modify the IFBW? I was mostly interested in the Ojisan firmware because of that. On Nanorfe website they show graphs w
· #36782
Ojisan Firmware on NanoVNA V2 Plus4 stuck white screen
I think the Ojisan firmware is intended for the NanoVNA V2, not the V2 plus4. --John Gord
John Gord
· #36781
Ojisan Firmware on NanoVNA V2 Plus4 stuck white screen
Hello everyone. I've just bough a NanoVNA V2 plus4 from Amazon and was interested in flashing the Ojisan firmware. After flashing via normal procedure as written in Nanorfe website, the VNA stays with
· #36777
Error: "sector 0000 does not exist" in STM32CubeProgrammer
I had the same problem with tinyPFA, after downgrading to 2.15 programming worked without problem, Thanks
Ken Meyfroodt
· #36491
Error: "sector 0000 does not exist" in STM32CubeProgrammer
Hi Nelson, Several people had this problem, got over it after that. - it was not clear what caused it. Yours is the first more specific problem solution. I am crosslink one tis topic: https://groups.i
· #36350
Error: "sector 0000 does not exist" in STM32CubeProgrammer
Today I got my NanoVNA out of storage after a couple of years; then tried to upgrade the firmware; I got the latest STM32CubeProgrammer version and also got the latest firmware; after fiddling with th
· #36349
LoL. I had to get an old USB hub, and connect to the NanoVNA through that one. All my USB ports misbehaved. That worked :-) You saved my day, thanx mate. Have a nice evening.....
· #35530
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