How to see who is following a hashtag?
5 повідомлення
Yes, that may be the best move at this point. Thanks! Joe
#hashtag notification question and test
2 повідомлення
Thanks. Simpler is always better.
Set a default hashtag?
3 повідомлення
Tom, Members can always mute a topic that doesn't interest them, hashtag or no. Another approach might be to change the default subscription setting for your group, under the Default Sub settings tab
Shal Farley
hashtag failure
7 повідомлення
Great. Thank you Andy, Norman
#Hashtag Issues - Corrected Messages were dropped
6 повідомлення
Yes, you only need to join the group if you want to post. It's also a great place to keep up with the latest info about the site, so worth at least bookmarking. Duane
Hashtag not working as expected #hashtag #peterd #55002
4 повідомлення
Duane, That makes perfect sense. The original hashtag that I allocated (and tested) was #nd55002 and this seemed to work fine. the contributor had problems with the "nd" so I suggested that he dropped
Peter Davies
[GMF] Why use hashtags in a group?
I had asked a question related to this a few days ago but got no answer. The question is this. I have created four subgroups. It would be nice, although not necessary, to have messages in each group c
Stan Gorodenski
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