
((beta)) Site updates
I have just stumbled into an effect of this change: Contrary to the text above, IMHO, this obscures who the message as sent to! I answered a message to a +owner address and CC'd the +owner address so
Від Malcolm Austen ·
Groups.io site update 2 повідомлення
Hi Duane, Our event times are still showing as incorrect timezone in the Feed view, I've checked to make sure that individual accounts and calendar entries have correct time zones - should I be seeing
Від Christine ·
Groups.io site updates
Hi all, This week's change log: https://beta.groups.io/g/main/message/25881 Feel free to reply to this topic if you'd like to comment on the changes. Or better yet, if you expect a lot of discussion s
Від Shal Farley ·
Groups.io site updates 5 повідомлення
Steve -- It's my understanding that the change has been reverted and polls and topics should behave as they did previously. Try it and see. If you have any active polls that were closed by Mark's chan
Від Bruce Bowman ·
Groups.io site updates 3 повідомлення
That's available on this page: https://groups.io/helpcenter/ownersmanual/1/revision-history For the Members Manual, it's at https://groups.io/helpcenter/membersmanual/1/revision-history Duane
Від Duane ·
Groups.io site updates 2 повідомлення
Thankfully, these new functions use the existing #file-notice and #photo-notice hashtags. Hashtag proliferation is my primary concern as these new notifications are rolled out. Regards, Bruce Check ou
Від Bruce Bowman ·
Groups.io site updates 4 повідомлення
In addition, the fixed column headers can also obscure the table description and a separate #bug report about that has been raised on beta. Andy
Від Andy Wedge ·
Groups.io site updates 4 повідомлення
That was only mentioned in the weekly update, based on a comment from Shal earlier in the day, https://beta.groups.io/g/main/message/25478 https://beta.groups.io/g/main/message/25444 You can add #mont
Від Duane ·
Groups.io site updates 2 повідомлення
Hi Shal, this relates to a bug I found when checking out the new list version of the hashtags page https://beta.groups.io/g/main/topic/74774225 This relates to a bug clarified and reported on beta htt
Від Andy Wedge ·
Groups.io site updates
Hi all, This week's change log: https://beta.groups.io/g/main/message/25208 Feel free to reply to this topic if you'd like to comment on the changes. Or better yet, if you expect a lot of discussion s
Від Shal Farley ·
Groups.io site updates 2 повідомлення
Edit and mute buttons overlap hashtag description text on Android phone portrait and landscape views
Від Steve ·
Groups.io site updates 2 повідомлення
The names of 'main' groups are no longer show on the mobile Groups page which is very unhelpful and I have already raised this on beta. Andy
Від Andy Wedge ·
Groups.io site updates 3 повідомлення
Bruce, Heh, I read right through that without noticing. I think that's likely to be an editing error, where he meant to say either "a message" or "a non-spam message". I guess that's a plausible inter
Від Shal Farley ·
Groups.io site updates
Hi all, This week's change log: https://beta.groups.io/g/main/message/24930 Feel free to reply to this topic if you'd like to comment on the changes. Or better yet, if you expect a lot of discussion s
Від Shal Farley ·
Groups.io site updates 3 повідомлення
I don't believe there has been, unless it was 'recently'. I uploaded some files on a test group to see what would happen when the limit was reached. I used one file that was 265MB, another that was 31
Від Duane ·
Groups.io site updates 3 повідомлення
Hi all, Mark replied in beta: https://beta.groups.io/g/main/message/24800 That's good news for members using those services. Shal
Від Shal Farley ·
Groups.io site updates
Hi all, This week's change log: https://beta.groups.io/g/main/message/24760 Feel free to reply to this topic if you'd like to comment on the changes. Or better yet, if you expect a lot of discussion s
Від Shal Farley ·
Groups.io site updates 3 повідомлення
This has been corrected. I'm also in discussion with Mark on beta about further enhancements to this feature so that it picks up more details from your Zoom account settings when generating the text t
Від Andy Wedge ·
Groups.io site updates 3 повідомлення
I wasn't the only one confused by that then! This was another item on the changelog that actually got rolled back in beta. Hopefully both will be made available to all groups sooner rather than later.
Від Andy Wedge ·
Groups.io site updates
Hi all, This week's change log: https://beta.groups.io/g/main/message/24628 Feel free to reply to this topic if you'd like to comment on the changes. Or better yet, if you expect a lot of discussion s
Від Shal Farley ·