NanoVNA APP does not have New Coax Dislord Functions
The Tx does not see an SWR it sees an impedance, it is the transmission line that has the standing waves and that must be based on the impedance of the line NOT the load that the Tx 'likes to see'. Th
· #38984
Dipole antenna with Low Z0 feed point Impedance
You are still not getting it are you. The point that I am trying to get you to see is that a 2:1, or any other vswr for that matter, can have an effect above and beyond the numbers that you are quotin
· #38714
Dipole antenna with Low Z0 feed point Impedance
Indeed, but you are ignoring 2 important factors; 1) the tx does not match the cable impedance, Your examples assume a matched source with all of the reflected power absorbed, and 2) how the PA reacts
· #38704
Dipole antenna with Low Z0 feed point Impedance
Reflection loss is the ratio of incident power to the reflected power at a discontinuity or impedance mismatch. So for a 2:1 vswr it is 0.889 or 0.512dB, meaning that 0.111 of the incident power (11%)
· #38682
Dipole antenna with Low Z0 feed point Impedance
Multiple reflections is certainly not a myth and the reflected power is real (and may be sampled or removed with things such as circulators and directional couplers). The standing wave is only there b
· #38681
Dipole antenna with Low Z0 feed point Impedance
Warren you are totally missing my points: Firstly, you stated that the reflection loss of a 2:1 vswr was variable. I am try to point out that the RL of a 2:1 mismatch is fixed and clearly defined, add
· #38680
Dipole antenna with Low Z0 feed point Impedance
The point that you are missing is that the reflection loss stated is that at the Tx end of the coax., ie after the vswr caused by the 2:1 mismatch has been mitigated to some extent by the loss of the
· #38671
Dipole antenna with Low Z0 feed point Impedance
Have a look at: <> It would appear that Transmission Line Details is giving you a misleading picture. It seems to be telling you what
· #38656
Dipole antenna with Low Z0 feed point Impedance
The loss attributable to a 2:1 VSWR can be stated as a constant,; the reflection loss from a 2:1mismatch is 0.512dB. Wwhat is variable is the loss before the incident power hits the mismatch, and what
· #38645
SWR vs. Resonance
Both or may be neither! Look up wave particle duality. 73 Jeff G8HUL
· #38352
SWR vs. Resonance
Indeed, but there will be a measurable standing wave on the line, due to the reflected wave from the mismatch at the antenna. How that reflected wave interacts at the source is a completely different
· #38234
SWR vs. Resonance
That is not correct. If the wave on a transmission line encounters an impedance other that that of the transmission line there will be a reflected wave at that point, regardless of the impedance of th
· #38228
Effect of asphalt under a 10m 1/2w center fed dipole at 1/2 wave elevation
..and that is why ham radio is going to the dogs. Not many seem interested in the technical side of the hobby any more. they just want multi band CB, buy a black box and exchange numbers and collect s
· #38208
SWR vs. Resonance
However, there is always loss and the radiation resistance of the antenna, there will be a resistive part at the point where L and C cancel. Without that the circuit would have infinitive Q. So the de
· #38168
SWR vs. Resonance
A 5/8 does not require any matching other than a series coil, in fact there are 5/8 2m mobile whips that consist of just an open coil at the base of the whip. If there is a more complex matching circu
· #38153
SWR vs. Resonance
Indeed, any antenna of any length will radiate ALL of the power applied to it, less any resistive losses due to the material. Conservation of energy applies; the trick of course is how you get the pow
· #38137
Smith Chart Impedance
Just to point out that what was proposed by Smith was not scaled to the system impedance. The Smith chart was centred on 1 ohm and all point had to be normalized to 1 ohm, and then un-normalized to wo
· #38060
Marker: frequency rounded to nearest mhz
Also Kelvin (K) only replaced Degrees Absolute in 1968! Regards Jeff
· #37666
multiple resonances of a half wave end fed wire
I think that is overstating the case a bit Dave. If a low SWR exists then the return loss is by definition low, so that means that the power is going somewhere other than back to the Tx. It may be tha
· #37532
Does anyone here use xnec2c?
That is not correct, 4nec2 has 2 excellent built in editors for producing cards, , as well as a straightforward text editor, and a graphical 2D/3D editor which is much better than the EZNEC offering.
· #37194
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