More Check Washing Theft
How unfortunate. The gold-standard response to this form of fraud, of course, is to simply quit mailing checks, and use electronic payments, in which you give the payee permission to take the funds di
Від Nancy Roth · #220997 ·
Best way to fly to Mexico from DC area?
Any war stories / peace stories about flying to Mexico from DC area in the winter? One friend is telling me to take United out of Dulles. Another source is saying Frontier out of Baltimore. I need to
Від Nancy Roth · #220788 ·
ISO driver to Dulles - my bad experiences with Lyft
This has been an interesting discussion. I have never had a bad experience with any Uber ride—only with Lyft. This I don’t understand, because all of these for-hire drivers are independent contractors
Від Nancy Roth · #220763 ·
ISO driver to Dulles - my bad experiences with Lyft
I reserved a Lyft to get to Union Station last summer to catch an 8 am train to Baltimore for an important appointment—and the driver never showed up. I had to pay a cab driver to take me to Baltimore
Від Nancy Roth · #220741 ·
ISO Lead Pipe Replacement
Ben’s Plumbing did my next-door neighbor’s lead pipe, and seeing how they performed, I called them the following year. They were quiet and careful and successful. Nancy Ro
Від Nancy Roth · #219991 ·
Wired funds disappeared, financial institutions unresponsive
Neighbors, I wired funds from my IRA account to my bank, M&T Bank, using the instructions M&T had posted on its website for domestic wires. Those instructions were incomplete, I have lately found out.
Від Nancy Roth · #219860 ·
Lime will rent you a mobility scooter, who knew?
Attended a presentation of the goDCgo program of the DC Department of Transportation. Has anyone heard of this program before? I hadn't. It's an initiative of the DC Dept of Transportation to encourag
Від Nancy Roth · #219795 ·
ISO help to answer one question for Medicare Easy Pay form
I’d bet AARP could answer that for you. Or maybe try the DC SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program). District of Columbia —Nancy Roth - original message - I have spent an entire
Від Nancy Roth · #219479 ·
ISO kim chi -- New Asian market in plans for downtown DC!
Thought this article from Axios (via Urban Turf) pertinent to recent discussion on where to buy kimchi apart from faraway H Mart.
Від Nancy Roth · #219461 ·
ISO kim chi
There's the online Asian food supermarket called Weee. Nancy Roth
Від Nancy Roth · #219354 ·
How to send flowers in the Internet age
I haven't sent flowers out of state in a long time, and I wonder if anyone has any advice for me. Finding the online options bewildering. Someone I don't know very well did me a very kind favor, and I
Від Nancy Roth · #219239 ·
Still Life with Robin: No More Spooktacular Howl-o-weens, Please!
Yeah, this feels like the longest October ever. I keep waking up and thinking “it’s still October? Really?” Far as I can tell, October began back in August when the pumpkin-spice goods went up on shel
Від Nancy Roth · #219188 ·
ISO expert help on achieving faux effects with paint on wood furniture
Might anyone be able to recommend an artist willing to teach an awkward and unintuitive adult student (me) how to apply paint to achieve faux effects on wood furniture? Nancy Roth neroth8@... [
Від Nancy Roth · #219108 ·
Never received a ticket in the mail - ISO advice on how to handle the problem
This happened to me about 10 years ago when they dropped the speed limit on Military Road west of the St. Johns College High School from (I think) 35 mph to 25. There was a new sign up, but, having dr
Від Nancy Roth · #219008 ·
What I just learned about injury and cancer
Hello, friends, I thought yesterday's column in The Washington Post ("Cancers caused by infections are more common than you think") was going to address my recent experience, but it didn't. It's inter
Від Nancy Roth · #218881 ·
ISO styrofoam cooler for cat shelter
Hello, I'm looking for a styrofoam cooler to use in building a winter shelter for a new feral kitty that has shown up in my neighborhood. It will be similar to the one in the link below. https://www.d
Від Nancy Roth · #218759 ·
ISO electric scooter retailers for comparison shopping
Where might one go in person to test-drive an adult electric *seated* scooter and compare them with other makes and models? Note: I want a scooter, NOT something with pedals, and I want to sit, not st
Від Nancy Roth · #218624 ·
ISO HVAC contractor
Hecox is an excellent local family-owned HVAC company that does zero advertising and only works by reference. They have helped me out of a jam with my HVAC more than once. I got their name from Washin
Від Nancy Roth · #218196 ·
ISO a local group organizing postcards urging Democrats/Independents in swing states to vote
I don’t know about the other groups, but Silver Spring Progressive Action sends letters, not postcards. My understanding is that letters get better results.
Від Nancy Roth · #217505 ·
Alternative to Act Blue contributions
Yikes, what horrible stories about Act Blue! They reinforce my longstanding opinion that Act Blue is not the best custodian of individuals’ smaller political contributions—even without the abuse of co
Від Nancy Roth · #217233 ·