
Ojisan Firmware on NanoVNA V2 Plus4 stuck white screen
I see, thanks! .. and do you know by any chance if there's a firmware or a way to modify the IFBW? I was mostly interested in the Ojisan firmware because of that. On Nanorfe website they show graphs w
Від lodge_shiatsu0h@... · #36782 ·
Ojisan Firmware on NanoVNA V2 Plus4 stuck white screen
I think the Ojisan firmware is intended for the NanoVNA V2, not the V2 plus4. --John Gord
Від John Gord · #36781 ·
Ojisan Firmware on NanoVNA V2 Plus4 stuck white screen
Hello everyone. I've just bough a NanoVNA V2 plus4 from Amazon and was interested in flashing the Ojisan firmware. After flashing via normal procedure as written in Nanorfe website, the VNA stays with
Від lodge_shiatsu0h@... · #36777 ·
FW flashing with STM32CubeProgrammer
That is OK, because the upload to the PC reads the complete 128KByte from the flash including the unused bytes after the program at the memory end while the FW files of about 100K contain only the pro
Від Ho-Ro · #33777 ·
FW flashing with STM32CubeProgrammer
I have made some progress. I wanted to be able to extract the FW from my device for backup. I can't seem to find FW that matches mine online. This (https://github.com/DiSlord/NanoVNA-D/releases/tag/v1
Від Peter (WB3IZU) · #33776 ·
FW flashing with STM32CubeProgrammer
I am doing something wrong. I uploaded bin file of memory to my computer (NanoVNA.H.v1.1.00FromVanoVNA.bin). If I compare what I saved to my computer to memory, I get a match. I then downlodaed from d
Від Peter (WB3IZU) · #33755 ·
FW flashing with STM32CubeProgrammer
I think I have finally gotten something installed to flash new FW on my NanoVNA-H. I installed STM32CubeProgrammer on MacOS Ventura. I tried, unsuccessfully, on Windows 11 under VMWare Fusion. In addi
Від Peter (WB3IZU) · #33745 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
You most likely had a weird chip and firmware combo too. Take it as a learning experience. - know your hardware - make backups of firmware (ideally 2x & crc) - check if updates are compatible with you
Від John Simons · #31255 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
that is still an older fw .. but at least you have a working unit with a working bootloader (so your pc should find it) dislord sure has a newer fw for it ... 17th (19th) of june 2020 is VERY old! (wh
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #31253 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
20200617-1a9a11d Jun 19 2020
Від ... · #31252 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
With DisLord's help I was able to unbrick it !!!!
Від ... · #31250 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
GOTCHA! :-) what fw do you now have on what unit?? dg9bfc sigi Am 31.01.2023 um 02:38 schrieb Ray WW0AW via groups.io:
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #31249 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
U N B R I C K E D !!! The problem was the STM32CubeProgrammer I got is buggy, so I switched to the older STLINK Utility and it worked like a charm. Thank you my friend.!!!
Від ... · #31248 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
The dfu tool and STMCube are interchangeable - Cube just has a lot more features (and runs on a lot more platforms). I have had zero issues using them interchangeable on my -H4 . . .
Від Tim Dawson · #31239 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
This gave me an idea. Does the reverse apply? If the manufacturer used STMCube, could I have successfully loaded an old NanoVNA dfu with DfuSE-Demo which ran with anomalies but then when I tried to lo
Від Al Waschka · #31238 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
This is great !!! Thank you my friend, for the files with full dump of GS-400 which is just what I needed. You're right, I destroyed the bootloader so I cannot use either NanoVNA-App or QTbut I alread
Від ... · #31237 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
Read better.... You use STM-Cube, so you destroy bootloader (need use NanoVNA-App or QT for update in bootload mode) Upload this in 0x08000000 address as before 4-inch-GD32F303CCT6-20200619 FULL.bin
Від DiSlord · #31232 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
One of user made full dump for GS-400 I cut remove bootloader and data, try upload it (hold right button and power on, connect to PC, and use NanoVNA-App or QT for update) If not help you can try flas
Від DiSlord · #31231 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
dislord maybe can help .... (best firmware modder ever hi hi) dg9bfc sigi Am 29.01.2023 um 17:51 schrieb Ray WW0AW via groups.io:
Від Siegfried Jackstien · #31227 ·
"Bricked" after attempt to update FW
Now I realize I should've saved the original firmware before updating but it's too late for that now,
Від ... · #31226 ·