Logging suggestion
Hello, I often leave the sBitx in FT8 just listening in order to collect data on what can I hear on what band during what time of the day. Right now I am doing this with WSJT-X because I can then go i
Bravo Delta
#sbitx Trouble setting PA bias
9 повідомлення
Aha! NOW you're looking at schematics and beginning to make PROGRESS. You want to look at sBITX recent schematics, and particularly those for the version unit that you have. Here is your hunting groun
Gordon Gibby KX4Z
sBITX 64Bit Pi Image Available
313 повідомлення
We can look at the source code and redo the interface. https://github.com/sm0svx/svxlink/tree/master/src/qtel -JJ
Using the QSSTV-sBitx Edition
17 повідомлення
I am glad that several connections have been made, which can be seen on max.sstv.com. -- Gyula HA3HZ
3 повідомлення
I have all of the necessary configurations and tweaks in the sBitx Pi image v4.2. Also designed a new display bezel to mount in the case and new screen resizer app - coming soon to Toolbox. All info o
Using JTDX to reduce LAG
17 повідомлення
It seems there is a solution. see topic title SOLVED description. -- Gyula HA3HZ
Reverse polarity protection on the sBitx?
46 повідомлення
Thanks! It took a bit longer than I wanted as some parts got stuck in shipping. Wish I could say that it was my own 3D printer making the cases, mine doesn't print that well, so having a friend help o
Jeff Duce
CW macros
I need to personalize the macro under F10 'About'. I read in the user manual that the CW macros are in a file named cw.mc or cw1.mc located in ~/sbitx/data. I have neither in this directory! IF I need
Claude Jollet
No TX Power
7 повідомлення
Hey Evan just got home and set it to 25 and a little above and it did nothing but once I raised it up to about 40 or so I see that is putting out power into my dummy load. I don’t know if part of that
Jose Martinez Jr
sBitx CW keyer problems and idea for solution
42 повідомлення
VE6LX, Your original posts got me to look at the K1EL keyer documentation - for me that was a great introduction to the inner workings of electronic keyers and what they can do to help with real-world
Mike Johnshoy
Update if you are using QRO
2 повідомлення
Jeff, yes it is now working as expected. I deleted 12, in config.txt, then Ctrl-O <Enter> and finally Ctrl-X <Enter> to exit. After restarting, the indicator LED did not light up, only when I turned o
sBitx Hardware Calibration Tool
5 повідомлення
Thanks.. The two-tone method is the proper way to calibrate the sBitx, but this quick-n-dirty method works for most people.. I highly recommend that folks save their original hardware settings file as
High pitch whine on 20-10 meters
4 повідомлення
Joel, any way to remove rtc module and run shielded cable from it to the sbitx? Im just guessing since i dont own one yet. tons of ubitxes but no sbitx. seems like you could shield it with a copper bo
david todd
sBitx_log file import into cqrlog without GRID
4 повідомлення
On Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 10:03 AM, HA3HZ wrote: sBitx_log file import into cqrlog without GRID sBitx_log file import into cqrlog without GRID the title and the question are incorrect, because I want to
sBITX Toolbox - A great companion for the sBitx transceiver is now available for public release
107 повідомлення
Great Concept: this should allow more people to concentrate on bite size portion to concentrate their talents as well as for users to learn how best to exploit the various features hidden within the S
2 + 2 = 5 ??? Re: sBITX 64Bit Pi Image Available
7 повідомлення
On Sat, Sep 7, 2024 at 07:22 AM, Gareth Evans wrote: Gareth, I use a RasPi 4 as my station computer for logs and digital modes. With my uBitX I took a laptop on the road for logging and digital modes.
Bruce W4BRU
sBITX attached keybase
A 3D printed base that securely mounts to the sBITX HF transceiver case that you can mount your CW key or paddle to for portable operation. Also has a hanger for the mic. I use it with my hand open re
Bob Benedict, KD8CGH
Low transmit power using wsjtx and jtdx
21 повідомлення
Yes, 3.1 does allow for full power when using wsjtx and jtdx! This does not require any modifications to the default settings, I believe this was a modification to hamlib.
Jeff Duce
#sBitx receive birdie? 600 Hz above carrier
4 повідомлення
I think you could try the 64-bit v3.1 now, because the development team wants to implement this bird exclusion with the BFO tuning. The BFO offset is available after turning on the MENU and the BFO fr
Homebrew SBITX - Fldigi success and question
6 повідомлення
Thanks, Dean. The hidden secrets - every OS seems to have them. It works as described. 73, Bruce, W4BRU
Bruce W4BRU
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