Devices under test and devices in a system
13 повідомлення
Hi Steve, try using DiSlord to make up for what the Japanese stop. He may be receptive to this. Write down what you want to see that is not already in the firmware.
Gyula Molnar
#newbie #nanovna-saver
7 повідомлення
Thanks Clyde, I think these are the T1500 Series, and the T1507 model in particular.
NanoVNA H4 and OneOFEleven_v1.1.5.0 on 10 Oct 2020
14 повідомлення
Thank you all for the replies - Very much appreciated. Regarding the SD card access, I don't have it through the H4 casing - No requirement at this stage. As I am a newbie, I should concentrate on the
SWR measurement of CB antenna with PL-259
24 повідомлення
Clipleads from the shell and center pin of the plug on the end of the short jumper would work. More than once I've used an EZ-hook to connect to the center pin of an SMA plug. A bit of tape helps. (ti
Jim Lux
Auto-logging/extracting data over time (unattended measurement)
5 повідомлення
Hello, If your still interested, I might write some software to do this logging. It would be written in Keysight VEE and logged into MS Excel. I would prefer to take this outside the group. Let me kno
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