Menu not working correctly
8 повідомлення
Im now waiting on an eBay dealer to swap out a DOA vna-f that also had a unresponsive menu. I didnt attach it to anything and it's menu was real flakey (hit and miss). It's best to avoid the rabit hol
Setting Stop Frequency to 1500 MHz on NanoVNA-H 3.4
10 повідомлення
John, Just installed the firmware version you recommended, but I still am seeing a default stop frequency of 900MHz. Is there a setting I need to change so that I can measure frequencies beyond 900MHz
Firmware and PC application stability
69 повідомлення
@OneOfEleven and @DisLord, You know the dynamics of this wonderful users group "nanovna users". After thousands of posts/replies/interactions between users we already know that this group is very tech
A guide for absolute beginners
18 повідомлення
Martin, thank you very much for the instruction manual. I’m sure it’s gonna help many people in the future. I haven’t even read, but just took a quick glance and I can tell you did a great job. 34 pag
Noel W2MSA
#nanovna-h #applications #measurement #simulation
7 повідомлення
Here is an application report on the NanoVNA-H and SPICE simulation. The report is in German. Enjoy!
NanoVNA-H software update
19 повідомлення
It has been suggested that I update my NanoVNA-h device but as I am not used to updating any software, I need step by step instructions, with no steps missing. In otherwords evert click or data entry
Ray Denton
New topic for test new nanoVNA features
5 повідомлення
Hi DiSlord is it normal that the on / off configuration of the traces is not saved? When I browse the menus I often have freezes with version 1.0.13 and 1.0.14. it is not systematic. This often happen
Nanovna H not read signals
6 повідомлення
Can you successfully cal it? Dave - WØLEV> wrote:
NanoVNA-H low frequency errors
10 повідомлення
G'day, Apologies if this has been covered - however I have not been able to find anything in my search. I am wondering if others have come across an issue with errors in the lower frequencies of their
NanoVNA Firmware 1.0.53 Menu flow diagram.
5 повідомлення
Ooops! Forgo the file, sorry. Doug K6HFK
v1.0.63 firmware from DiSlord
20 повідомлення
Hi Gyula and DisLord, Having upgraded to the ver 64 on my H4, I have been going through the settings as described in Gyula's May 31 notes. All seems to work fine (especially happy with the frequency T
Ted Chesley
SWR what did I mess up
13 повідомлення
I read somewhere that if you use the nanoVNA alone you MUST calibrate on it, whereas if you use it attached to nanoVNA-saver, you MUST calibrate on the computer software.
#crash #dfu #firmware #nanovna-h #problem #repair
8 повідомлення
How long has the battery been dead? Lithium based batteries do not like to be deep discharged and if left in that condition they will fail. 73 -Jim NU0C cferrari475@... wrote:
Jim Shorney
It does not work with the top cover
2 повідомлення
Good morning, with the top cover screwed on, the touch screen does not work properly; if I take it off working properly. What can be done? ik1yrc Claudio 73'ss
claudio ferrari
How do I interpret these results?
19 повідомлення
Sorry about my late entry.. just joined. The ripples on the original 70cm VSWR image are the sort of thing regularly seen in microwave waveguide return loss measurements. These RL/VSWR ripples indicat
H will callibrate okay(?) but won't plot anything
Have been using my nanoVNA-H to tune my antennas for the lower bands in ham radio for over a year. It has been a lifesaver! I started to use it recently and it seemed to complete the calibration proce
Stephen KO4CVU
NanoVNA-H and -H4 failures with NanoVNA-App and NanoVNA Saver
3 повідомлення
I have been asked to give a presentation on these small VNAs, partly because I was an early adopter, even if I have not been that active for the past 18 months. I borrowed a -H v3.6 firmware DisLord r
Rich NE1EE
NanoVNA-H "Fail Write" to 16GB SD card
13 повідомлення
Check the SD card with (for example): Cheers, David
David J Taylor
4 повідомлення
perhaps the case is pressing against the display too much, try loosening the screws a bit. 73 Ton
Ton - PA0ARR
NanoVNA -H
5 повідомлення
Thanks. Downloaded and having a good read. Regards Rob aka G4ZEO
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