Ultrasound transducer modeling - NanoVNA, s2spice inside
7 повідомлення
Ok thank you for the tips
S-parameters in LTspice
23 повідомлення
Sorry, there is another error in the reply I sent earlier. I wrote: "Creating the .olb file does not create the SPICE symbol," but I meant to write: "Creating the .olb file does not create the SPICE m
Andy I
S-Parameter Export Ordering
8 повідомлення
I posted an Octave script in the files area, that does the same thing as the Matlab file referenced earlier. Greg
1-port s-parameter bug fixed in 17.1
2 повідомлення
On 09/05/2023 10:51, Frank Muenchow wrote: Thanks for this info', Frank. Do you have an example schematic that illustrates the bug in 17.0.x, but not 17.1.x?
Tony Casey
s2spice question
5 повідомлення
Thanks – yes I guess something went wrong with the web interface subscription. I see that original confirmation email didn’t specify LTspice so I probably subscribed to no group? (I don’t have access
33 повідомлення
Thanks for those, the second of those papers gives a lot of food for thought in terms of practical bypassing in microprocessor and FPGA circuits. <istvan.novak@...> wrote:
Alan Pearce
S-parameter Balun Simulation
7 повідомлення
I uploaded a simulation of the ADTL2-18+ Balun. The plots make it easier to comprehend.
S to spice conversion
15 повідомлення
re: "I attached Dongle.asy file " FYI, you did not attach the file. You uploaded it. Files should never be attached to messages in this group. You did the right thing. You just used the wrong word for
Andy I
Create Amplifier Model
4 повідомлення
https://groups.io/g/LTspice/files/z_yahoo/Tut/S-Parameter https://groups.io/g/LTspice/files/z_yahoo/Tut/S-Parameter/S-Parameter%20to%20SPICE
Andy I
MMIC's simulation on LTSpice
6 повідомлення
Thanks for the reply . MMIC / Gain Blocks are relatively simple to test on board. My question arises from the need to see the phase drift of that type of component. The rest of the data such as gain a
Manuel G. Hammon
Converting a .s2p file to an LTspice model
16 повідомлення
Dear Andy, yes, the file was corrupted. I used a new copy of the file and It finally worked! I also changed the directory as you said so I don't have to use the full path every time. Thank you for you
Keeelny m
4 повідомлення
Thanks Tom. this will be helpfule. Fred
5 port S-Parameter BLF574 (500W 500MHz RF mosfet)
20 повідомлення
All, S21 is not meant to be the voltage gain of a transistor; S21 is the gain when both ends of a DUT are terminated in the system impedance on which the measurement is based. For a passive bilateral
Dana Whitlow
How to plot mixed-mode s-parameters?
8 повідомлення
What Murata is providing are 4-port S-parameters in the Touchstone version 1.0 format. Mixed-mode S-parameters are defined only in the Touchstone version 2.0 format. To create mixed-mode S-parameters
S2SPICE Frequency Limit
15 повідомлення
Hello Dennis, Thanks for your feedback regarding s2spice101.exe. I am happy that it works as intended. Best regards, Helmut
Helmut Sennewald
S-parameter to spice model conversion for a Murata filter
4 повідомлення
Thank You very much Helmut and Andy. s2spice.exe worked without any problems. Regards, Mike
Ufuk Karaaslan
S parameter data
10 повідомлення
Thank you Tony, Your effort has proven to be very helpful. I did not realize there was s2spice utility which could handle more than 2 ports. I found the basic version, but not the more general version
Rob Ram
Transient Analysis of Component Generated By s2spice
3 повідомлення
Hi Helmut, Thanks for the help and suggestion. I was trying to avoid having to use ADS, but it sounds like I'll have to find a way to get my hands on the software. Cheers, Jeff
How to convert from s2p files to .lib files ?
10 повідомлення
Hello, The s2spice converter accepts now frequency=0. s2spice.exe https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/LTspice/files/%20Tut/S-Parameter/S-Parameter%20to%20SPICE/ Best regards, Helmut
Helmut Sennewald
S parameter Spice model
4 повідомлення
Hi Helmut, thanks for your reply, found the fault, Mhz in subkt and Ghz in my .AC anal, duh!
craig perry
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