Slide show device
First, the USB port on the display. RS232 control (or even IR) may be able to control slideshow playback. Most displays have settings where all the user has to do is plug in a memory stick with photos
Від Cory · #255165 ·
Http Client.GetAsync
I never figured out how to get async, but what I did was use a normal get request in a Task (seperate thread), then had an event handler fire back to the main control system code with the received dat
Від Cory · #255164 ·
Fire TV IR Control
If a remote comes with the device and assuming it's IR (some remotes now use RF) you can do it that way. If the API or codes do not support it you might be out of luck.
Від Cory · #255008 ·
Crestron-controllable "virtual" Dante/AES67 matrix
If you use a DSP, Tesira, Q-Sys, etc, you could control that. Have Dante inputs go into a matrix mixer then out ot Dante outputs. You can also process signals, EQ, etc. I suggest Q-Sys Core Nano https
Від Cory · #255006 ·
CRESTRON CONSTRUCT first impressions
Also, where is the best place to send questions/comments/bugs to for Construct?
Від Cory · #254089 ·
CRESTRON CONSTRUCT first impressions
I agree. I have to do an entire project in Construct just because they are using the TST panel. I know that's the point - to make us use it. Right now I am on hold for TBS because button images only s
Від Cory · #254087 · Змінено
NASA RTSP Feeds for Touch Panel
I am looking for RTSP streams from NASA for a touch panel layout designed to resemble Star Trek computers. I want to put a live video feed of the planet, etc in the middle using the Video Player objec
Від Cory · #250220 ·
Upgrading from CEN-RFGW-EX to CEN-GWEXER
Recommend Audible, or a good show to binge watch.
Від Cory · #250181 ·
Tripleplay IPTV Control
I feel like a C# backend to SIMPL+ is the answer here. Large data REST payloads fail in SIMPL due to 255 character limit. If you haven't done it, or for anyone else, this is a great tutorial. https://
Від Cory · #250180 ·
simpl# control uc engine teams
Are you seeing your string values change? I would check that, make sure you are actually getting to the conference mic mute statements and not throwing any exceptions, and that your switch cases are m
Від Cory · #249893 ·
Needing Suggestions - Connecting multiple buildings with Crestron
Ultimately, if they want a service call every two months, charge for it, and let them pay for it. It's their dollar. And maybe when they get tired of paying they will change their minds. If not, you h
Від Cory · #249736 ·
Turns out the device was just used by Legrand, They have an easy and open protocol to be used by anything, but thank you. The Pharo
Від Cory · #249084 ·
Has anyone controlled DMX from Crestron using this piece? I have 4 DMX lighting fixtures I want to give controls for on a touch panel, namely brightness and color temperature. I am reaching out to Leg
Від Cory · #249078 ·
Ccs-uc-1 vs Ccs-uc-1-AV
Not sure, but this seems like a good question for your rep.
Від Cory · #248107 ·
C# Programmer Needed for NYC Project
Crestron Independent Programmer? I think they have a directory? Cory Sarzotti Synergy Media Group
Від Cory · #247900 ·
where do programmer's go
I am a programmer, and have always had regular salary jobs. Just do a Google search for AV integrators in the area you live/want to live and look at their job postings or give them a call. it always w
Від Cory · #247735 ·
Let’s have a candid conversation.
Also physical controls. Buttons, knobs, switches. Just need an IoT GPIO, or a Pi. Also, hand held remotes. Cory Sarzotti Synergy Media Group
Від Cory · #247372 ·
Let’s have a candid conversation.
And the CEN-IO boxes (but yes the Global Cache ones are nice too). Hint for touch panels, CWS.
Від Cory · #247369 ·
Let’s have a candid conversation.
Now all we need is a touch panel. Cory Sarzotti Synergy Media Group
Від Cory · #247366 ·
Let’s have a candid conversation.
It's going to be an interesting Masters... Atlona has a control platform that is easy and affordable and available. Extron is nice but have shipping delays as well. QSC now integrates control, so that
Від Cory · #247364 ·