Release of version 1.2 of ABS solution for QMX+ (Automatic internal antenna tuner, internal battery and internal speaker with audio amp)
12 повідомлення
To all who are asking about being part of a new group buy of the ABS add-on for the QMX+: Cal and I have you on our list for a potential new group buy of the ABS boards and components. Sorry for the d
Stan Dye
QMX+160-6 ceased powering up
24 повідомлення
Many thanks Chris, i'll try to acquire a regulated power supply during the Holidays and get back to you in January. Sly VA2YZX
Sly Coulombe - VA2YZX
QMXplus anomaly in stand-alone WSPR /
I ran a small test today, with my QMX+ (Rev 1), trying to reproduce a WSPR anomaly that was mentioned on FB. QMX+ in stand-alone WSPR mode (i.e. no PC connected, no WSJT-X) on 20m (14.097200 MHz). The
Power output changed new 5W now 2W
7 повідомлення
Hello friends, Just to let you know: I've replaced IC503 and the 4 BS170 PA FET's. Regained 4-6W on most bands but on the higher bands about 3.5W. Op di 10 dec 2024 18:36 schreef pa3byw via
Feature request
8 повідомлення
My apologies Steve! I just realized it was your suggestion to add the zero ohm resistors. Credit where credit is due! Tony
Tony Scaminaci
Progress ON My QMX+
2 повідомлення
Great results. Mine is a bit down on 20, but nice on 15. I get better QSOs on 15 with my compromised, HOA friendly antennas. I like to WSPR a lot so am attenuating down anyway. FT8 and JS8Call work FB
Greg McCain
"Works like gold"
3 повідомлення
On Fri, Dec 6, 2024 at 06:58 PM, Lasse wrote: Had to turn off SWR protection in the radio to get the tuner to work but it doesn't seem like this was a problem. I find my ATU 10 tunes up perfectly well
Matthew Pullan
How Does Voltage Get to the Finals?
4 повідомлення
Steve, The turns ratio of T501 from primary to secondary is higher if you build the radio for 9v instead of the more typical 12v. That higher ratio means a 9v build running on 9v has about the same po
Jerry Gaffke
Component challenge
27 повідомлення
Finally on the air with my QMX+ It didn't quite like the antenna I use (multiband vertical 6->80m) but had to adjust the SWR block up to 7 and let the tuner ATU-10 finish its work. Sent CQ with FT4 on
#qmx #QMXplus QMX dismantled awaiting QMX+
30 повідомлення
Excellent! Glad you got it working! As for power output on the upper bands, I think the 'twisted sisters' winding helps with that, making the transformer more efficient. But if it is already enough fo
Stan Dye
NaP3 Setup for Panadapter and Waterfall Display from QRP-Labs QMX/QMX+ Transceiver
14 повідомлення
The NaP3 download page mentions that bug... There is a known bug in this version. When using RC1, set the Band Plan under the Display tab to Region 1 before running (even if you're not in Region 1). T
Carol KP4MD
ABS for QMX+. Battery/charger design improvements over version 1.1
67 повідомлення
Sardar, Dirk, I'm planning to order 5 rev. 1.3 Companion boards today so Stan and I can evaluate them. We think it's worthwhile to delay the big group buy so builders will not need to add large wires
Cal (AD8Q)
QMX+ABS field tests
For the past two days I have been on the air as VA3DUA on a beautiful Canadian weather (2C/34F) from Toronto. QMX+ and ABS v1.1-beta (ATU Board v1.1, Companion Board v1.2). ATU tunes as expected, batt
Sardar (AC8L)
ABS for QMX+. ATU design improvements over version 1.1
20 повідомлення
On Mon, Nov 25, 2024 at 03:31 PM, Dave (G8PTN) wrote: You just have to remember that the ported code has not had the same level of testing as the original code base. Other unknowns may be introduced,
Sardar (AC8L)
Is it bricked?
31 повідомлення
Will do. Thanks Greg. -- Jim VE4BWG
ABS for QMX+. Battery/charger design improvements over version 1.1
Hi Dave, somehow your post created a new thread with identical title, maybe this one can be deleted? I answered your initial question in the main thread. KR Dirk
QMX+ Digital Settings - help!
2 повідомлення
The same settings should work fine in both QMX and QMX+ With one exception: the System Config / Band Version. Look at this menu item and see if it says "QMX+ 160-6m" If not, you need to do a Factory R
Stan Dye
QMX Feature Request
13 повідомлення
sorry I did only tested on digi mode :( muhsin
Muhsin TA1MHS
Qmx+ V1 dodo
23 повідомлення
I had this same trouble after I over-voltaged the board when one of my SMS's blew up, before I realized it was only D109. After I got back up and running, I plugged in the GPS module and it shut the p
Frank Fertitta AA5IT
Troubleshooting QMX+ JS8call PTT Test Fail
7 повідомлення
Don't you love it when it's something simple. Have some radio fun often. :) GREG Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer
Greg McCain
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