NanoVNA APP does not have New Coax Dislord Functions
Hi Stan Thank you for your summary of the common sense of an experienced, it is convincing, in fact I have just done the comparative tests of the same dipole antenna with the same coaxial cable Zc = 7
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
· #38959
NanoVNA APP does not have New Coax Dislord Functions
Hi Stan Thank you very much for clarification info about Nano-VNA App PC program, impedance conversion DiSlord function can be very usefull especially when using 75 Ohm coax's, indeed even my RG58 50
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
· #38955
NanoVNA APP does not have New Coax Dislord Functions
Hi all Testing NanoVNA App + Windows11 with My New H4 , it seems almost working ok despite some bugs and crasching, but my main problem is : i do not found the new Dislord Coax functions, indeed i am
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
· #38951
Latest calibration not saved at shutdown button
Hi Dislord Thank you very much, version 1.2.40 already installed and tested : works great as expected , Really advanced functions . saving latest memory slot also tested and it work OK. Thanks , 73's
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
· #38922
Latest calibration not saved at shutdown button
Hi Stan Thank you, i read firmware version 1.2.27 already installed on my new H4 , did I need to upgrade it for newer version ?? Thanks , 73's Nizar .
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
· #38919
Latest calibration not saved at shutdown button
Hi All I just have my New Nano-VNA-H4 from SEESII , i calibrate it on different spans and empty memory's, all seems working fine, but it does not save the latest recalled calibration memory , at start
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
· #38917
#NanoVNA-H Firmware for 75 Ohm port?
Hi Stan and Dave Thank you very much for this very usefull infos and comments about the advanced DiSlord function for coax measurements . I will try it and will enjoy it soon. 73's Nizar.
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
· #38854
#NanoVNA-H Firmware for 75 Ohm port?
Hi For using DiSlord Coax function, I guess that it's rather to start with the minimum frequency of the NanoVNA-H4 does , - around 10Khz start frequency . -to stop with just the frequency given a litt
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
· #38847
Where to bye a good quality and accurate 50 Ohm SMA Load ?
Hi All Where to bye an accurate 50 Ohm +/- 0.1 Ohm SMA Load to ensure a good quality NanoVNA calibration ? Indeed the most important capability of a nanoVNA is to be calibrated by an external referenc
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
· #38824
#NanoVNA-H Firmware for 75 Ohm port?
Hi All Rgarding its price , May be we can owne two NanoVNA's H4. , one for 50 Ohm nerworks , and the second for 75 ohm networks just with bridge modds to 75 ohm of port1. And resistors devider of port
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
· #38820
Nanovna H4 firmware 75ohma
Hi Stan Thank you very much for this appreciated engneering analysis of Dislord new function measuring coax cable impedances and loss's , wonderfull function , Thanks to Dislord also . 73's Nizar
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
· #38787
Nanovna H4 firmware 75ohma
Hi Stand Thank you for all this precious infos about Dislord firmware functions, Did H4 firmware has an already function to mesure the Z0 (specific impedance of a coax cable) as 50.5 Ohm or 76 ohm dir
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
· #38782
"Fake" NanoVNAs?
Hi Dulcey Please , why SEESII NanoVNA becomes clones ? What changed ? Sorry i dont understand what mean authentic ? Authentic to what ? Schematic designe ? Circuit board PCB ? Or components selection
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
· #38755
Did H4 need a Screw to fixe the SMA connector to the case
Hi All Did H4 version need an external screws to fixe the two SMA connectors to the plastic case , indeed electronic board should not have an excessive mecanical constrainte during SMA feeting to keep
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
· #38591
What does means the "DRSTX" on the left screen
Hi Steve Thank you Steve, helpful link. 73's Nizar
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
· #38583
What does means the "DRSTX" on the left screen
Hi All What does mean the "DRSTX" on the left side of screen ? 73's Nizar
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
· #38579
Only 9 vertical graduation on 4'' H4 version !!
Hi all It seems there is only 9 vertical graduation lines on the 4'' H4 version , if it can be configured to 11 graduations as with 4'' F version ?? 73's Nizar
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
· #38554
Why so many different names for the firmware .DFU files?
Hi John Gord Did SAA2N & LiteVNA64 has the same firmware of NanoVna-H4 ? And did they work as good as -H4 on 10Khz-300Mhz band ? 73's Nizar
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
· #38532
Why so many different names for the firmware .DFU files?
Hi Matthew Good and nice question : it seems to me that harmonics are less reproductible than fondamentals of the LO , so it should have more erratic behavior then calibration will not stay as good as
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
· #38511
How to identify metalic or plastic cases ?
Hi Stand Thanks for info, did you mean that plastic cases used on H4 has inside an aluminium painted layer for good sheilding ?? So no mater if case is metalic or plastic .. 73s Nizar
Team-SIM SIM-Mode
· #38500
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