Installing DfuSe On Windows 11 ??
3 повідомлення
Thanks Stan, Sorry for the late response to this. I have been tearing my hair out over the past couple of days trying to get this to work. As it stands at the moment, I am still no further forward fro
Can't get DFU to work
5 повідомлення
I had a similar tough time with this today, so here's what I did - 1) all the firmware upgrade steps in Absolute Beginners Guide ver. 1.5 - downloaded both STM files and installed 2) confirmed STM Vir
Slow NanoVNA-H FW Upgrade
17 повідомлення
Bonjour à tous En effet pas évident les mises à jour , de mon côté aucun soucis avec le seul port USB 2 du pc ( j'ai vérifié le sérial speed). Version 1.2.14 installé en 30 secondes à peu prés. Christ
Modify Original Nanovna for easy DFU mode like the H4
4 повідомлення
One remark regarding the -H versions: If you look at Hugen's schematics, you will see that R5 has the same value of 1 kOhm as for the -H4 version. Therefore Larry's modification can be simplified. No
A word of thanks to those out there who gave me some support upgrading my firmware..
RE: My firmware update Windows 10 --> NanaVNA H4 I got it done today. The biggest problem was getting familiar with the terminology. He'll, I wasn't even aware that DFU meant Device Firmware Update (d
Terry Philbin
STSW-STM32080 package
5 повідомлення
keep up to date) that statement is accurate. Terry, I followed this procedure last month and it worked fine on my up-to-date win10 system, using the W8_x64 driver. Works fine for the nanovna. The st.c
Stan Dye
Updating firmware, using Mac or Linux
4 повідомлення
Thanks, Robin, this looks good.
Eric Hansen, KB1VUN
#crash #dfu #firmware #nanovna-h #problem #repair
8 повідомлення
Without screen it works, with screen cleaned and reassembled, it doesn't work
claudio ferrari
DFU updating
12 повідомлення
That isn't a problem with Linux.
#dfu #firmware
5 повідомлення
The SAA2 uses the st32f103 and internally, it is flashed using the same dfu process as the original Nanovna. So yes, it holds true for that unit as well but of course the FW is not interchangeable bet
Larry Rothman
Flashing &reading firmware from an Android device
3 повідомлення
Thanks for the link - worked perfectly! I just put the following together as I managed to get it all up and running on a Fire Tablet, rather than a standard Android tablet. Using NanoVNA with Amazon F
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