Do you mean the umc and usp are set to 2-series? Wouldn't be too hard to make them 4-series compatible.
· #255480
TS-xx70 Multiple IP Table Entries Issue
I’m pretty sure the panel will handshake with one but not both, not really sure what you’re trying to achieve by having 1 panel talking to 2 processors, or if that’s even possible!?
· #255349
4-Series Processors, SSL, and VPN connection
The only difference we can see between the two is that the single user VPN, my computer receives an IP address on the customers network while on the site-to-site VPN, my computer keeps its IP on our n
· #255329
Event Scheduler
Make sure you put a #2 at the top of the file, and put it into NVRAM\Main\Lighting.txt Mine looks like: #2 1,Wake Up,0,450,-XXXXX-,XXXXXXXXXXXX 2,Goodnight,1,660,-XXXXX-,XXXXXXXXXXXX 3,Sprinklers On,3
· #255278
Newtonsoft JSON Compiler Error in VS2008
Hello Jay, looks like your using the wrong newtonsoft lib, you want to use the compact framework one that comes with Crestron, not the system one.
· #255225
Strings from TCP\IP
The print statement will be funky if the string has special characters in it, so you're probably seeing a result of the conversion with the %s format specifier. For sanity, you could add an output rat
· #255181
Http Client.GetAsync
You would need to use DispatchAsync on the Http client, and capture the response in the callback method. With that response you can grab the DataConnection, and perform a blocking ReadLine on it whils
· #255173
Strings from TCP\IP
Are you clearing the buffer after printing?
· #255172
Crestron CP4 and Lutron Athena through RS-232
If the integration ID is 90, and you want to send a press for button 1, the command should be: #DEVICE,90,1,3\x0D\x0A
· #254950
How do I create a .umc wrapper for a .usp file?
You don’t “import” the simpl+, it needs to be either in your central simpl+ folder, or in the same folder as the umc. Then when you open the umc in simpl, the simpl+ will be in the left hand pane, and
· #254862
Tips for debugging startup welcome
Just open debugger, and whilst connected go to options at top and select reset program. That should then log everything that is happening, unless something is borked in the program.
· #254710
C# library to 2 or more modules in Simpl+
You 'll need your event to be static, so: public static event CustomHandler MyEvent; Then in C# you call it using your class name (let's say your class is called MyClass): MyClass.MyEvent(*args*); And
· #254646
TSW-1070 Reserved Join 10000?
The reserved joins start at 16000. To drive 10000 high would require a custom module that can send CIP, as the standard TP symbols don't go that high.
· #254575
Simpl Windows Compile Errors
Some people have had this because Antivirus somehow has those files in use, you could try disabling your AV quickly to see if it compiles....
· #253135
Compile Errors from Multiple (Previously Working) Modules
Looks like a clz is missing, or the Simpl+ files are expecting the clz to be somewhere they’re not.
· #252643
Simpl+ with "" as the default string parameter value
Tony is right, the only way to have an empty string parameter default to "" in SIMPL when you drag in a module is to do what Tony said, edit parameter properties (in .umc) and set default value to "".
· #252622
SMPL Windows Erros "user-mapped section open"
Are you using Simpl#? If so, do you have any of the DLL files opened within Visual Studio?
· #252487
ONVIF Camera PTZ Control Protocol
Crestron via RS232 via Rasberry Pi via generated Python script to device definitely sounds better than understanding C#/S# and writing/unit testing/documenting my own code, and is absolutely something
· #252478
ONVIF Camera PTZ Control Protocol
The fact you’re using chatGPT, and that you use phrases like “needs a special Onvif username and password”, and that you no doubt don’t a) understand what Onvif is, or how it works and b) have no idea
· #252468
SSL errors
Looks a bit dodge to me!!!
· #252464
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