Seeking information from a Bladder Cancer patient
Congratulations to you Mitch. Just keep it up. My husband is seven years feeling good with no issues after having had Stage IV laryengeal cancer. Stay true to BP. Lindsley
Від Lindsley Silagi · #148014 ·
making quark from goat milk
Hi Jenny and all who have responded, I just want to say that I concur with others here who have said the Budwig Protocol will most likely cure him, the chemo most likely kill him. My husband is a stag
Від Lindsley Silagi · #148005 ·
making quark from goat milk
I concur with Rod in this. I have used full fat, low fat and even extra creamy cottage cheese for making the protocol for now seven years! This protocol resolved my husband’s stage 4 laryngeal cancer.
Від Lindsley Silagi · #147943 ·
Connecting with survivors
Nedu, Do keep us informed. Lindsley
Від Lindsley Silagi · #147370 ·
Connecting with survivors
Nedu, You can thin down the Budwig protocol once you have made it so she can swallow it. Use freshly juiced carrot or apple. I did this when My husband had throat cancer while he had a feeding tube in
Від Lindsley Silagi · #147360 ·
Connecting with survivors
Hi Jane, You just have to be firm. Initially they will want to make sure the tube works correctly, say perhaps 12 to 24 hours. After that just take it upon yourself to do it. No flaxseeds in the tube.
Від Lindsley Silagi · #147122 ·
I am writing in to this group this evening to find out if anyone here has dealt with leukoplakia. Any information and experience with this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Lindsley
Від Lindsley Silagi · #146526 ·
Parasites best approach?
Hi Elizabeth, The following link might help you Lindsley
Від Lindsley Silagi · #146276 ·
Protein shakes?
Hi Rahel, Here are a few of my sources. Let me know if you have any questions, Lindsley Whey Proteins in Cancer Prevention Whey Protein May Prevent Prostate Ca
Від Lindsley Silagi · #146243 ·
Protein shakes?
Hi Tom, We have a whey protein shake once a day. We use Tera’s Whey, organic, and add in fresh pineapple or strawberries. Whey protein is a cancer fighter! Lindsley
Від Lindsley Silagi · #146200 ·
Hi Rahel, I started adding in Nettle tea to our soups as it is so beneficial but not particularly a great tasting tea by itself. Nettle is high in chlorophyll, protein, and minerals. They are good for
Від Lindsley Silagi · #146199 ·
Hi Julie, I get stinging nettle (loose) from the Smallflower Apothecary. ( It is organic, grown in Europe. Tradidtional Medicinals nettle tea bags would be good too. They are on Amazon.
Від Lindsley Silagi · #146198 ·
Julie, How about vegetable soups? Butternut squash, sweet potato, potato ( without milk), carrot, mushroom, all can be prepared to follow the B diet. You may use nettle tea as a base which will give h
Від Lindsley Silagi · #146144 ·
Budwig through a stomach rig following radiotherapy for oesophageal cancer
Hi John, Mix the Budwig protocol as directed. Then to that mixture add fresh carrot juice to thin the mixture so that you can get it through the tube. I did this for my husband for 5 months when he ha
Від Lindsley Silagi · #145322 ·
Metastasized lung cancer
Dear Sunil, I recommend you read the testimonies of people. It will give you hope and with that you will find the direction you seek. Here's the link to the page;
Від Lindsley Silagi · #145124 ·
Please Help - Issues Swallowing & Weight
Dear Agata, I dealt with this very issue over two years ago when my husband went through radiation on his larynx. You absolutely can thin down the budwig protocol. I did just that for 7 months while m
Від Lindsley Silagi · #144960 ·
Maintaining the Budwig Diet During the Time of Coronavirus
Dear Fellow Members, I have been thinking of everyone here during this time when this pandemic has presented itself to us the world over. I have been thinking of Sandra, our group leader, Julie in Ita
Від Lindsley Silagi · #144753 ·
Testimonial: Budwig diet for Stage IV pancreatic cancer (ductal adenocarcinoma)
Margaret, Wonderful news! Thank you for sharing your story of success. May you have continued health on the Budwig diet. Blessings! Lindsley Sent from my iPady
Від Lindsley Silagi · #144025 ·
Recent Cancer Update
Amen Doebucky! Congratulations to you and thank you to Dr. Johanna Budwig and to Sandra Olson and this group! Many blessings! Lindsley
Від Lindsley Silagi · #143894 ·
Liver cancer posts
Hi Susan, The seitan sounds good. Please share more with us all. Lindsley
Від Lindsley Silagi · #143799 ·