
Diagnose unresponsive ch1 port on the nanovna 8 повідомлення
Is it possible to somehow verify that the U551 chip is the one causing problems?
Від tedvtorov@... ·
What signals are required for touch screen operations? 8 повідомлення
So I have SAA-2n that was working have maybe turned it on a few times at most... Went to test my new ant and cable today and the screen would touch to have menu come on but that was it... the test was
Від David Ashley ·
MOSFET as RF on/off switch and how to measure/what to expect 37 повідомлення
Antonio, I have zero experience with GAN Gary W9TD
Від Gary W9TD ·
Determining OCFD total length and split points 15 повідомлення
Yes, sort of. Compare the NanoVNA measurements (like SWR, and maybe impedance values) with the claims made for your design. If they're close, you got it right. But it's really nice to have the nanoVNA
Від DougVL ·
USB power up problem and possible solutions (HW / SW) 4 повідомлення
Hello Hugen, DiSlord and others, First: I know that this is a user and not developer forum. So please apologize for getting deeply into the code (for anyone not directly involoved). This is my first p
Від Rainer Schaack ·
Devices under test and devices in a system 13 повідомлення
Hi Steve, try using DiSlord to make up for what the Japanese stop. He may be receptive to this. Write down what you want to see that is not already in the firmware.
Від Gyula Molnar ·
Resonate frequency of lossy networks... Simple One... 13 повідомлення
Strictly speaking, there should be bounds on the R,C,L terms so they are less than one. Otherwise a second order system, a tuned network which must posses two memory components vanishes. Consider if R
Від alan victor ·
V2 LEDs? 6 повідомлення
ps.: Group V2 link: https://groups.io/g/NanoVNA-V2/topics if you cannot download, you will need to log in to the group.
Від Gyula Molnar ·
H4 F303 artwork updates(4.2 -> 4.2.1) 12 повідомлення
Hugen Can I suggest you use the same values of R25 and R24 in the attenuator circuit for the CH1 input as those used in for the reference SA612? And then set R22 to come to 50 ohm? This will reduce th
Від Erik Kaashoek ·
F303 and 4" LCD for next generation NanoVNA 52 повідомлення
Hugen, I noticed on the new NanoVNA-H4.2 PCB there is an unpopulated silk-screened area labeled "CARD1". Does that imply that a SanDisk card is in the works for a future version of the NanoVNA-H4? Als
Від hwalker ·
A strange S11 from a amplifier 10 повідомлення
166 µH is a pretty large inductor and likely has a pretty low self resonant frequency. Try 'de-Qing" the inductor by parallelling it with a 4.7 k to 10 k carbon resistor. If those work, increase the r
Від W0LEV ·
NanoVNA Noise improvements. Hugen79's NanoVNA Github Issue #14 18 повідомлення
In addition to 10kHz chirps, I hear a prominent tone ~ 300Hz when testing phono inputs. I suppose that is the rate at which nanoVNA steps frequencies; it increases about 10% which switching to CW. Is
Від Oristo ·