
read SD card
Hi all, found a Python library - https://github.com/Ho-Ro/nanovna-tools but unfortunately this one can not read all/selected files from the SD card inside the nanoVNA-H and H4. Anyone has a link to su
Від Wolfgang OE1MWW · #36722 ·
nanovna_remote.py - Python tool for remote control of the NanoVNA-H from the PC
Robin, Good hint, should work for the bigger ones now - untested because of the HW not (yet) available. Martin usage: nanovna_remote.py [-h] [-d DEVICE] [-n | --h4 | -t | --ultra] [-z {2,3,4}] optiona
Від Ho-Ro · #30265 ·
nanovna_remote.py - Python tool for remote control of the NanoVNA-H from the PC
Martin, 1) thanks for doing this, it's much appreciated. 2) the link below took one straight to the code, where lines 60-64 show: which is OK for an original nanoVNA(-H) or a tinySA. *However*, the *H
Від G8DQX list · #30263 ·
nanovna_remote.py - Python tool for remote control of the NanoVNA-H from the PC
Hi, as written just around the corner https://groups.io/g/tinysa/topic/tinysa_remote_py_python/94944540 there's a new tool in my toolbox: https://github.com/Ho-Ro/nanovna-tools/raw/main/nanovna_remote
Від Ho-Ro · #30250 ·
Lynux, python , cloning, Eclipse ... and all that jazz
And for those who just want to install the Saver program on Linux... https://groups.io/g/nanovna-users/files/NanoVNA%20PC%20Software/NanoVNA-Saver/nvna-s-pve-rev-c.pdf Take a lot of beating! And works
Від Dave_G0WBX · #15775 ·
Lynux, python , cloning, Eclipse ... and all that jazz
I would kindly recommend you to join special forums for "Lynux, python, cloning, Eclipse.." developers. This is the "nanovna-users" group. The serious developers do not discuss the basics here, they w
Від igor-m · #15769 ·
Lynux, python , cloning, Eclipse ... and all that jazz
Have a look here; https://groups.io/g/nanovna-users/message/11957 There are several python intros on GitHub if you go looking. On Mon, 27 Jul 2020 at 12:25 PM, Anne Ranch<anneranch2442@...> wrot
Від Larry Rothman · #15713 ·
Lynux, python , cloning, Eclipse ... and all that jazz
For Python, I use the Anaconda distribution, which also brings in Numpy, SciPy, matplotlib, etc. all of which are useful (for instance, if you want to do FFTs or nice plots). Granted one can bring tho
Від Jim Lux · #15702 ·
Lynux, python , cloning, Eclipse ... and all that jazz
Anne, For the firmware development, try and follow this document I hobbled together from a couple of forum posts. It worked for me and OneofEleven. If you read my search tips (first line in the forum'
Від Larry Rothman · #15701 ·
Execution failure on Debian 10
Hi Thomas, The python modules for me: scipy 1.4.1 pyQT5 5.14.1 pyserial 3.4 numpy 1.18.1 it works with windows7 under 32 bits. The pyQT5 version can be problematic, I don't know about Debian, but "pat
Від Gyula Molnar · #14352 ·
Execution failure on Debian 10
Hi, I built a Debian package for nanovna-saver (using dh-python) and installed it. However when I try to run I get the following erorr ================= Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/b
Від B Thomas · #14347 ·
Add Icon to program
Tried that and there is no option to change the icon.
Від gary.sewell@... · #13360 ·
Add Icon to program
In Windows, you could try right clickinging the icon. Then choose properties, there you can see "change Icon".. This works here in Win7
Від Leif M · #13358 ·
Add Icon to program
I am using the Python scrip "auto-py-to-exe" to create the EXE for Nanovnasaver. Everything works except I cannot get the .ico file to be assigned to the EXE. I select it in the script but it still sh
Від gary.sewell@... · #13345 ·
Off-topic: Learn Python Intro to Programming on Github
If you're interested in modifying/hacking/playing with several of the NanoVNA apps written in Python, there is an open-source area on Github with a complete intro on the subject: https://github.com/we
Від Larry Rothman · #11957 ·
Migrating your Ham shack computer to Linux? Check out Clear Linux
Larry, Thanks for the link. I went to the Clear Linux website and poked around. It's using RPM bundles and FlatPak for software formats. Just check out the workbench or ham radio software that you def
Від K4FMH · #10770 ·
Migrating your Ham shack computer to Linux? Check out Clear Linux
I have been using Caelinux distribution because it comes as a live image with most engineering tools pre-installed.
Від William Heller · #10768 ·
Migrating your Ham shack computer to Linux? Check out Clear Linux
If you're thinking of migrating your ham shack computer over to using Linux, you may want to look at Clear Linux from INTEL. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jasonevangelho/2020/02/06/intels-clear-linux-j
Від Larry Rothman · #10763 ·