
Calibration Standards Holder
Punch out the plastic and the pins to reduce the wear of the standards. <landrjoh@...> wrote:
Від Dragan Milivojevic · #37568 ·
Calibration Standards Holder
I got tired of trying to keep track of all those little SMA calibration standards and adapters that I keep with my NanoVNA, so I made a thing! It's a small pcb that uses common 1/4" wide edge mount SM
Від AA7US · #37565 ·
Introduction to VNA Calibration Techniques
Learn the basics of how vector network analyzer (VNA) calibration techniques correct measurement errors. https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/technical-articles/introduction-to-vna-calibration-techniques/
Від Wolfgang OE1MWW · #35954 ·
Understanding the 12-Term Error Model and SOLT Calibration Method for VNA Measurements
in case someone can't fall asleep in bed at night and needs a simple read https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/technical-articles/understanding-the-12-term-error-model-and-solt-calibration-method-for-vna-
Від Wolfgang OE1MWW · #35953 ·
Nanovna-H problem
Many schematics can be found on Hugen's github repo - some as *.png or *.jpg, but you should be able to convert them to *.pdf yourself: https://github.com/hugen79/NanoVNA-H/tree/master/doc HTH Martin
Від Ho-Ro · #34500 ·
Nanovna-H problem
Can you send me a NanoVNA-H schematic in pdf format please. Best regards S.A.Udaya Jayantha (4S5SC) No. 72, Elliott Road, Galle.80000, Sri Lanka. Tel.: +94774164087 (SMS) web: https://www.qrz.com/db/4
Від S.A. Udaya · #34498 ·
Nanovna-H problem
Note that you say you have a "NanoVNA-H" and then you loaded firmware for an -H4 . . . They are not the same device, and my guess is that your issues are due to flashing the wrong firmware (you don't
Від Tim Dawson · #34497 ·
Nanovna-H problem
I tested the board for shorts but i didn't se any, only a little heat on some components but it's probably normal, a voltage injection should help finding shorts but I never done that, i will try to m
Від bru98yt@... · #34496 ·
Nanovna-H problem
Where is this "mode" setting? I was just through all the settings on my NanoVNA-H4 and I didn't see any "mode" setting anywhere. Zack W9SZ
Від Zack Widup · #34494 ·
Nanovna-H problem
20231102_081555.mp4 <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aWBmFXnzeKGvgE_hfkJSyb2M7Tu1Zyh1/view?usp=drive_web> Hello Zack, Thank you very much for your quick response. I would like to mention what's happe
Від S.A. Udaya · #34493 ·
Nanovna-H problem
As I see S11 measure not work (hardware problem). Need check all related to reflect signal measure Generator, and audio codec work (no pr6in S21).
Від DiSlord · #34492 ·
Nanovna-H problem
Tried all but nothing, seems an hardware problem
Від bru98yt@... · #34491 ·
Nanovna-H problem
I done a complete reset, this includes the calibration reset
Від bru98yt@... · #34490 ·
Nanovna-H problem
After doing the calibration the screen is unreadable since the lines starts going crazy, connecting a load or a short does nothing
Від bru98yt@... · #34489 ·
Nanovna-H problem
I had the same after updating my NanoVNA H and then I bought a NanoVNA H4 same also after updating. Many try helping me here on the forum, but did not solve the problem on either until. I do not know
Від Node750Tt · #34488 ·
Nanovna-H problem
You must do calibrate-reset at the beginning of your calibration procedure, or the result will be garbage. This step wad missing in your video. Try that first, then we can see what else may be an issu
Від Stan Dye · #34487 ·
Nanovna-H problem
After you did the calibration, does connecting the short show a point on one end of the Smith chart, connecting the open shows a point at the opposite end, and connecting the 50 ohm load shows a point
Від Zack Widup · #34486 ·
Nanovna-H problem
I set the stimulus to 100-500 since i was going to test a dual band VHF UHF antenna, then i done the calibration, idk what the blue light means
Від bru98yt@... · #34485 ·
Nanovna-H problem
First off, did you do a calibration for the frequency range you're interested in? Second, why is that blue light flashing? Mine doesn't do that. Zack W9SZ
Від Zack Widup · #34484 ·
Nanovna-H problem
I recently bought One of this wonderful devices to test, fix and build antennas, learn how they works ecc. But my nanovna have a big problem, the s11 port seems defective, i can only see a big mess an
Від bru98yt@... · #34483 ·