NanoVNA vs. Rig Expert
I use a NanoVNA-H4 for bench work and an FA-VA5 for testing antennas. The latter is a one port device, more rugged and with a more visible display outdoors than the Nano. It's a fraction of the cost o
Від Mike · #37919 ·
SD card format?
No it's the other way round. If you look at the slot you will see the circuit board and the SD card contacts face that. If you miss the socket the card will fall inside the case then you have to open
Від Mike · #37734 ·
DiSlord firmware alteration request
It's on his QRZ page ...
Від Mike · #37451 ·
Receiver measurement
Hi Stan I wasn't aware that the NanoVNA output was adjustable (if it is I couldn't find the setting) so I used fixed attenuators to set the level. The NanoVNA 50 ohm input was connected directly to TP
Від Mike · #37212 ·
Receiver measurement
It appears that the NanoVNA really is the best instrument for the job. The RF case leakage doesn't affect the measurement as the signal level required into the antenna socket is quite high (-10dBm). H
Від Mike · #37209 ·
Receiver measurement
Thanks Roger. I have many attenuators (c:
Від Mike · #37178 ·
Receiver measurement
Hi Roger, I have a TinySA Ultra and I've just ordered a wideband noise generator so will give that a go as well as continuing to get the NanoVNA to work.
Від Mike · #37161 ·
Thanks Dave, that is interesting and has motivated me to experiment with my H4 a bit more before giving up on receiver measurements.
Від Mike · #37160 ·
Receiver measurement
Wow I've started quite a discussion here ... Yes it is the RF stage I want to measure. It has an input filter, two helical resonators and a GaAsFET amplifier. The voltage gain between the antenna and
Від Mike · #37148 ·
Receiver measurement
The centre frequency of my receiver is 433MHz. When I set the NanoVNA to generate this I can see that it is using the third harmonic of 144MHz and this is a big signal. I might need to filter that out
Від Mike · #37124 ·
Receiver measurement
Dave, I corrected my original post above to say that it's the RF section I'm aligning, not the IF. I have got the input sensitivity down to -121dBm for 12dB SINAD by adjusting the helical resonators b
Від Mike · #37100 ·
Receiver measurement
I have a 50dB sampler and a good selection of attenuators to get the RX input signal down to the required -113dBm. My RF generator doesn't have a sweep function but I could use the NanVNA.
Від Mike · #37099 ·
Receiver measurement
Hi Michael I have a TinySA Ultra and I have seen that video. That was going to be my first approach but I don't have a suitable mixer and I'd also need to amplify the LO to drive the mixer properly. M
Від Mike · #37098 ·
Receiver measurement
Thanks again! Yes there are two FET amplifier stages so I will follow your advice.
Від Mike · #37080 ·
Receiver measurement
Thanks Matthias. Apologies but I meant to type RF stage! There are two helical filters that need aligning and the service manual specifies a spectrum analyser with tracking generator. The tracking gen
Від Mike · #37078 ·
Receiver measurement
Can I use the NanoVNA to measure the passband of a receiver IF stage? -- Mike
Від Mike · #37074 ·
More than two measurements in a graph
NanoVNA-App can import data from four files into one graph.
Від Mike · #37073 ·
H4 Windows Software
I use Owen Duffy's fork of NanoVNA-App from his GitHub.
Від Mike · #36420 ·
Warren I didn't measure the power output (nice idea!) and as I only have two of these cores and one is now at the top of my antenna pole it won't be possible. I have been using this transformer for mo
Від Mike · #36407 ·
This is how I evaluated the transformers that I tested for the article I wrote in Practical Wireless last year. Having established that the Fair-Rite 2643251002 had the best efficiency over 7 to 30MHz
Від Mike · #36403 ·