Calibration Standards Holder
Punch out the plastic and the pins to reduce the wear of the standards. <landrjoh@...> wrote:
Dragan Milivojevic
· #37568
Calibration Standards Holder
I got tired of trying to keep track of all those little SMA calibration standards and adapters that I keep with my NanoVNA, so I made a thing! It's a small pcb that uses common 1/4" wide edge mount SM
· #37565
Beginner adapter question
Yes I have a variety of dummy loads but none of them are suitable as 50 ohm cal loads. Commercial dummy loads that can handle the typical 100w tx power are too inductive and physically large to be sui
Roger Need
· #35054
Beginner adapter question
Inexpensive 50Ω terminations ("dummy loads") which might already be on hand in the lab or shack can be used for this as well as for terminating test transmissions. Your station DOES have a dummy load,
Donald S Brant Jr
· #35051
Beginner adapter question
#adapters Sent from Mail for Windows Sent: Friday, December 29, 2023 2:46 PM To: Subject: Re: [nanovna-use
murphy brown
· #35049
Beginner adapter question
Expensive compared to what you can make yourself. Leads that long will require calibration at the alligator clips. Use a non-inductive 50 ohm resistor. Doug
Roger Need
· #35048
Beginner adapter question
· #35047
Beginner adapter question
This might work.
Jerry - AE0MY
· #35046
Beginner adapter question
As Jim and I pointed out earlier you don't need a balun to measure a balanced antenna system if you run off battery power, do not connect a USB cable and support the NanoVNA on something like a plasti
Roger Need
· #35038
Beginner adapter question
This is a good approach. Once you’ve got your NanoVNA, it’s worth getting some adapters - I use a SMA/BNC and then standard BNC to clip lead or BNC to binding post adapters a lot. The binding posts ar
Jim Lux
· #35037
Beginner adapter question
One of the advantages of the NanoVNA is that it’s small and battery powered, so you can probably just connect it, making sure it’s not near anything conductive (e.g. support it on a plastic bucket, or
Jim Lux
· #35036
Beginner adapter question
Soldering Iron ..... to a SMA connector. A small adapter board is suggested, but forabout 10 dB more money, they do sell connectored versions.
· #35033
Beginner adapter question
You really should make yourself a 1:1 HF balun, in a small inclosure, with a RG-174 or equiv pigtail, terminated to a SMA male, and binding posts on the load side. You can probably find one made comme
Mark, W1MM
· #35032
Beginner adapter question
You can find just about anything you need here. I've purchased many items from Dave and have been quite satisfied. 73 -Jim NU0C "firstlastiii via" <firstlastiii=proton
Jim Shorney
· #35031
Beginner adapter question
Thanks Peter. I'm not trying to be dense, but how do you connect a wire loop to the Nano?
· #35030
Beginner adapter question
I use these connectors with my NanoVNA-H:
Peter (WB3IZU)
· #35029
Beginner adapter question
Thanks. How do I connect the antenna wires to the Nano without a connector? I'm using the AURSINC NanoVNA-H4.
· #35028
Beginner adapter question
You do not need to use a balun for a balanced feedline if you use your NanoVNA without a USB cable connected to it and suspend it by using a plastic stand or a cardboard box (do not touch device durin
Roger Need
· #35027
Beginner adapter question
You will need a transformer similar to the 72-300 Ohm ones used with televisions.(TV ones are fading fast at 50 MHz, so not very usable at 14 MHz) But Minicircuits has quite a few that go lower. 73 Ke
· #35026
Beginner adapter question
Hello all. I just received my NanoVNA and would like to test my full wave 20m loop, 26 gauge wire. Are there adapters for balanced wire, or would I need to connect the loop to a balun first then to a
· #35022
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