Software for Android
And I don't, also Android 14...
Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
· #38942
Software for Android
My phone isn't all that old, maybe a year? Dunno what to tell you offhand... I've never run across that particular error condition, and I have a whole bunch of apps on there.
Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
· #38940
Software for Android
I have "NANOVNA Web App" showing up on my phone, got it in the google play store...
Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
· #38933
Nanovna H4 firmware 75ohma
Neat! II may have to play with this a bit. I've been wondering about things like the pairs in CAT5 cable, ferinstance...
Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
· #38792
Nano VNA reference with 4'' screen
The problem I have with amazon for this is that you have absolutely no guarantee that you'll get a unit from any particular supplier -- they'll ship what they find convenient to ship, so you may get a
Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
· #38428
The ultimate nanoVNA-H4 case?
Nope. :-(
Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
· #37833
The ultimate nanoVNA-H4 case?
Nice! I have written to the seller about getting one slightly different to accomodate the M-F connector savers I have more or less permanently mounted to the two ports...
Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
· #37831
Common mode choke evaluation
Interesting gadget, there. And those are not toggle switches. :-)
Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
· #36926
SMA to UHF adapters
Radio Shack seemed to be particularly good at that...
Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
· #36785
SMA to UHF adapters
How did you test these? I bought adapters when I got my H4 along with some BNC adapters, all from R&L...
Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
· #36441
Which nanovna do I have? Which should I get next?
The first one that I bought I found on ebay, and instead of that part coming straight out from the unit it came out at an angle. The unit came to me in as small a box as the seller could get away with
Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
· #36182
nanoVNA-H firmware update
But it worked...
Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
· #36083
nanoVNA-H firmware update
Did that, and worked it out...
Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
· #36082
nanoVNA-H firmware update
No, the dfu-util package. I don't see that. The label on the back of the unit just says "NanoVNA-H4" and lists frequencies going up to 1.5GHz, "HW version 4.2" and a serial number. No MS apparent anyw
Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
· #36076
nanoVNA-H firmware update
Indeed they do. I notice that there are different versions depending on which chip you have in there. Is there some easy way to tell? Hopefully. If it's the right one. That's on my list, haven't gotte
Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
· #36063
nanoVNA-H firmware update
Looking at that, there seems to be only one ".bin" file for the H4. I've downloaded it. I have an H4 here, purchased from R&L. Looking over the paperwork that's in the box, I see a date of 2020! I gue
Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
· #36057
Coax Loss?
Post #s have no particular relevance for those of us who get this as a mailing list as opposed to using the web interface...
Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
· #36053
Nanavna install on Mac help
I ran into exactly the same thing with my phone...
Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
· #35298
Data Outside The Smith Chart (?)
Opens just fine here...
Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
· #34577
VNA buying aid
Seconded. I bought mine there, along with two sets of adapters. No complaints... WD3WTF
Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
· #33775
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