USB isolator suggestions?
Measuring balanced antenna feeds with the nano is easy if it is not connected to anything and well decoupled from "ground". It would be nice to remove the influence of connecting a USB cable to a PC s
Від Brent DeWitt · #38840 ·
Detect antenna open or short
The first question that comes to mind is about accessibility to the Yagi to coax connection. I'm guessing, from your question, that it might be tough. If it isn't, disconnect it and take open-short-lo
Від Brent DeWitt · #37306 ·
Annual Payment
Thank you David! This is a great resource. Funds sent.
Від Brent DeWitt · #35094 ·
Is this one legit?
YZTERA SV4401a 7 inch Touch LCD 50khz 4.4ghz Vector Network Analyzer Found on Amazon.
Від Brent DeWitt · #34003 ·
Fixture de-embedding for component measurement
Thank you!
Від Brent DeWitt · #30207 ·
Fixture de-embedding for component measurement
Yes. I agree, R&S has published some very good information. My current questions revolve, very specifically, around fixturing and calibration for measuring "soft" ferrites, of which there is much less
Від Brent DeWitt · #30188 ·
Fixture de-embedding for component measurement
I have a Copper Mountain VNA in my lab at work, so I will probably try to get some generic advice from them next week, without mentioning that it's really for use with a nanoVNA at home.
Від Brent DeWitt · #30166 ·
Fixture de-embedding for component measurement
Single turn. Tolerance is a good note, but my readings are consistently less than half the specified value. Unfortunately, Fair-Rite is the only company who has written anything about how they measure
Від Brent DeWitt · #30165 ·
How To Do A SWR Sweep on 2 Meter HT Antenna ?
I agree with Jim Lux. Holding the VNA in your hand is both simple and probably the most representative of the performance with an HT. In the olden days, the German VDE 0871 testing standard used a sal
Від Brent DeWitt · #30164 ·
Fixture de-embedding for component measurement
The parts I'm currently playing with are all Laird ( formerly Steward) 28 alloy, with the Z peaking in the 100-200 MHz region. The data I'm referencing is from their data sheets. I'll read through Jim
Від Brent DeWitt · #30162 ·
Fixture de-embedding for component measurement
I having fits trying to measure lossy "soft" ferrites against the manufacturers curves. Over the range 1 to 300 MHz, I'm not even getting close, looking at either S11 into a short or S21. I've tried a
Від Brent DeWitt · #30160 ·
How To Do A SWR Sweep on 2 Meter HT Antenna ?
I agree completely Jim. Put the antenna directly on the nano and hold it in your hand the same way you would the HT. As a career EMC/EMI/RF engineer, I can attest to getting WAY too wrapped around the
Від Brent DeWitt · #30066 ·
#nanovna-saver I'm stuck
Tonight NanoVNA Saver started crashing a few seconds after I connect to the first gen NanoVNA I've been using for a long time. The program finds the serial port, and is stable until I connect. It says
Від Brent DeWitt · #29647 ·
Metalising plastic cases (Re: [nanovna-users] JNCRadio VNA 3G - Vector Network Analyzer - 50k to 3GHz)
Using your numbers Lou, I would not call a 20dB reduction in E-field "very poorly as a shield". The most difficult part of using any spray is getting it in to tight corners. I''ve done "touch up" on c
Від Brent DeWitt · #26592 ·
NanoVNA Testboard kit VNA Test Demo Board
Can the boards be purchased without components? I'd love to have a dozen of them on the shelf waiting for my next adapter need. Thanks, Brent, AB1LF
Від Brent DeWitt · #22135 ·
rf-demo-kit schmatic and BOM
The second one is pretty much what I was thinking of. Apparently he is making the Gerbers available.
Від Brent DeWitt · #20679 ·
rf-demo-kit schmatic and BOM
Does anyone know of an SMA equivalent to this board? I expect it would be an order of magnitude more expensive, but u.fl connectors are only expected to live through <10 insertion/removal cycles. I am
Від Brent DeWitt · #20657 ·
nanovna-users group upgraded
Do you have a PayPal account? Brent, AB1LF
Від Brent DeWitt · #20058 ·
Cheap preamps
If you don't mind a bit of home brewing; Mini Circuits has lots of surface mount pre-amps dirt cheap (<$3), such as: The only thin
Від Brent DeWitt · #15188 ·
I may not understand the question but, between the S11 SWR and Smith Chart displays, the nano comes from the factory with antenna analyzer capability. Were you looking for something else?
Від Brent DeWitt · #1022 ·