Help finding entire protocol
Julie answered most of your questions. As far a sauerkraut I used this recipe. It is made in 1 quart mason jars so it ferments quickly, about 4 - 5 days. I found that 2 quarts of kraut will make about
Rod Holmgren
· #148059
Help finding entire protocol
Thank you for posting that. It should be helpful to all members. Rod in MN/USA On Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 03:26:32 AM CST, sundarthevedic via <sundarthevedic@...> wro
Rod Holmgren
· #148055
15 Key Points of Dr. Budwig's Protocol - Plz read & Save
There are several references to vitamin D. She also indicated that it was okay to take vit D in place of sunshine in winter in colder areas in order to get enough vit D. I didn't spend much time in th
Rod Holmgren
· #148037
making quark from goat milk
Thank you for the additional confirmation, Lindsley. What people need to understand is chemo CAN be effective in EARLY stages of cancer, when the cancer is confined to a specific small area. But, when
Rod Holmgren
· #148006
making quark from goat milk
Agree with Sara. Chemo will kill him, sure as the sun comes up in the morning. I healed stage 4 lung cancer with Budwig and eventually adding artemisia annua enemas. Lung cancer is one of the more dif
Rod Holmgren
· #147993
Iron deficiency
Good morning, Anthea. You don't have to eat the second serving of FO/CC right after lunch. I couldn't either so I ate my second serving at around "tea time", or 4PM. I healed stage 4 lung cancer so ca
Rod Holmgren
· #147983
Iron deficiency
If you are juicing, add some spinach to the juice. I juice a couple of ounces of spinach with the carrot, beet, apple, celery, ginger, tomato. It is unfortunate that he underwent chemo before Budwig.
Rod Holmgren
· #147976
Is wine necessary?
That text makes it easy on my old(er) eyes, ha. Wine is absolutely NOT necessary, nor is the champagne. You can mix the flax seeds with freshly pressed juice in the morning instead of champagne. Wine
Rod Holmgren
· #147971
Friendship dairies
How about that. Double bonus!!! Thank you for looking that up, Rod. On Saturday, August 17, 2024 at 02:07:29 PM CDT, Marilyn Frasier via <drfrasier52@...> wrote: According to Da
Rod Holmgren
· #147969
is sheep yogurt ok for FOCC?
At 6% you have about half what is recommended in protein. You might be able to increace that by straining, but since you can get sheep milk it might be worth making your own CC. There are several meth
Rod Holmgren
· #147968
Friendship dairies
"RBST free" I never took that into consideration with cottage cheese, so I don't think it is all the critical. There is nothing I can find wrong about their product, other than perhaps the cost. I jus
Rod Holmgren
· #147966
is sheep yogurt ok for FOCC?
Can you get just sheep milk? Cottage cheese isn't hard to make. Some folks strain yogurt to increase the protein percentage. Tha may be worth a try. I do not know how much protein is in sheep yogurt.
Rod Holmgren
· #147958
making quark from goat milk
Dr. B was vegan and didn't want to incorporate any more animal fat than necessary. The important thing is the protein level, there is a minimum but no maximum. The protocol also calls for organic cott
Rod Holmgren
· #147942
making quark from goat milk
Honestly, the fat content is a minor detail. If all you can get is full fat, it will still work for the protocol. Rod in MN/USA On Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 07:41:28 AM CDT, <orlandocrsantos@...
Rod Holmgren
· #147939
Glad to read of another disease that can be treated with the protocol. GIST isn't a malignancy like cancer, but I can see how it would cross over. Diabetes, arthritis, many other issues have been heal
Rod Holmgren
· #147928
Flax Oil Sources
Not that I think it is a major issue, but I don't see any reference to being organic. I didn't use organic cottage cheese, so as I say it may not be a big deal with the oil. Rod inMN/USA On Tuesday, J
Rod Holmgren
· #147922
Flax Oil Sources
Nobody cold stores/transports flax oil all the way from field to fare. Dr B also preferred glass bottles, but that again is hard to come by in this age. I used Puritan's Pride for nearly the entire ti
Rod Holmgren
· #147919
Flax Oil Sources
Natural Grocers sold you foul oil and won't take it back, Ester? That is a bummer. I used Puritan's Pride, primarily because of the price. It was always good, for like 5 or 6 years, and then I got a b
Rod Holmgren
· #147910
Prostate and Budwig/FSCC
I don't think you ever throw in the towel. Budwig can work in conjunction with other protocols. Myself, for the first month I felt I was losing ground but people said it would take some time to begin
Rod Holmgren
· #147893
Kidney cancer
There are a few testimonials on Sandra's site: There might be members more current who will hopefully respond. Budwig is the
Rod Holmgren
· #147885
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