
Installing DfuSe On Windows 11 ?? 3 повідомлення
Thanks Stan, Sorry for the late response to this. I have been tearing my hair out over the past couple of days trying to get this to work. As it stands at the moment, I am still no further forward fro
Від VK4CCV ·
Updating firmware 3 повідомлення
The Absolute Beginners Guide in the files section has details on how to update your firmware. DiSlord v1.2.27 is very recent firmware and not much different than the latest version. I suggest you get
Від Roger Need ·
Ojisan Firmware on NanoVNA V2 Plus4 stuck white screen 3 повідомлення
I see, thanks! .. and do you know by any chance if there's a firmware or a way to modify the IFBW? I was mostly interested in the Ojisan firmware because of that. On Nanorfe website they show graphs w
Від lodge_shiatsu0h@... ·
NanoVNA V2 Plus4 CPU Replacement Error
Dear all, I had a problem with my NanoVNA V2 Plus4, where the computer access via USB is broken and the I2C controlling the Si5351 does not work. So, I figured out that the CPU GD32F303 had some pins
Від ... ·
Config menu missing, Firmware Ver not readable 6 повідомлення
Thank you for that. I have a push-button on the right hand side of the nanoVNA that enabled DFU. Hold the button and toggle the power switch to "ON" and a blank gray-ish screen appears. Plug in the US
Від Joe (N1MID) ·
Installed an ST32F303 in my Ver 1 nanoVNA 9 повідомлення
Yes, I think I'll order from Mouser, Newark or Digikey - they have them for around $10ea (I tried to save $$ but....)
Від Larry Rothman ·