More Check Washing Theft
Me, too. I am disappointed to learn this form of criminality continues, apparently on a large scale. Since our experience with check fraud involving theft from the mail in February (no loss to us, tha
Sid Booth
· #220996
ISO Flat Roof Repair
Tom Ruegg's business address is in Annapolis, but I understand much of his business is here in Northwest. Best way to reach him is on his cell: 301-807-0051. Sid Booth - previous message - Is this in
Sid Booth
· #210920
ISO Flat Roof Repair
I'd like to associate myself with Mark's comments on Tom Reugg and Perma-Roof. He's an old-school pro, gives value and stands by his work. He's performed several projects for us over the years and sev
Sid Booth
· #210873
ISO Physical Therapist for ITB Syndrome
Received diagnosis from ortho doc this morning that pain in thigh is likely ITB (iliotibial band) Syndrome. Have script for PT. Seeking recommendations for someone who's good at this, preferably an in
Sid Booth
· #210111
Free Slide Projector/carousel - Another Offer
Good news for those who are disappointed they missed a previous Listserv offer of a free Kodak slide projector and carousel: mine are sitting at home waiting for someone to want them. And a screen. Ca
Sid Booth
· #101679
Seeking feedback on
I hardly travel, but I shared a ride via ACar For ( with another passenger to Dulles a while back. I wasso impressed with the driver/owner's service, attitude, and skill that I join
Sid Booth
· #101615
Seeking Short-Term Rental in Cleveland Park or Nearby
A talented authority on the making of musicals, who just taught a marvelous course I enjoyed at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) American University, seeks a short-term rental in this area. He
Sid Booth
· #89799
Comcast and MPT
When Comcast's deletion of MPT (Ch. 22) upset our viewing pattern, which included considerable recording and time shifting on our TiVO, I contacted the cable company. I was told that, as suspected, th
Sid Booth
· #54593
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