Operating FT8 from a different country
5 повідомлення
Yes you are right, changing settings by hand will seem to work, but it won’t send the packets correctly with such callsigns. I think ft8_lib is incomplete in this way, and I had a shot at trying to fi
Shawn Rutledge K7IHZ
3 повідомлення
I would suggest stating this in the manual as well to avoid confusion. Great radio btw, I am enjoing it! (W6ABD).
Bravo Delta
Error in Sound Input
25 повідомлення
When using sbitx, hardware modification is required according to the description in the following link: https://groups.io/g/BITX20/topic/using_jtdx_to_reduce_lag/109596328 -- Gyula HA3HZ
Using JTDX to reduce LAG - SOLVED
I've been using it with this modification for a few days. The idea to look for a solution in the hardware was given by the fact that the error message came immediately after switching it on. Then I st
Running WSJT-X on sBitx
11 повідомлення
Gyula, if I set my power level (drive) below 50, my external meter shows 0 fwd power @ 1.3 swr; Increasing the power at intervals I go from .4 all the way to 1.6w @100 and the radio shows 1w.
Jose Martinez Jr
Reverse polarity protection on the sBitx?
46 повідомлення
Thanks! It took a bit longer than I wanted as some parts got stuck in shipping. Wish I could say that it was my own 3D printer making the cases, mine doesn't print that well, so having a friend help o
Jeff Duce
CW macros
I need to personalize the macro under F10 'About'. I read in the user manual that the CW macros are in a file named cw.mc or cw1.mc located in ~/sbitx/data. I have neither in this directory! IF I need
Claude Jollet
No TX Power
7 повідомлення
Hey Evan just got home and set it to 25 and a little above and it did nothing but once I raised it up to about 40 or so I see that is putting out power into my dummy load. I don’t know if part of that
Jose Martinez Jr
sBitx CW keyer problems and idea for solution
42 повідомлення
VE6LX, Your original posts got me to look at the K1EL keyer documentation - for me that was a great introduction to the inner workings of electronic keyers and what they can do to help with real-world
Mike Johnshoy
sBITX Toolbox - A great companion for the sBitx transceiver is now available for public release
107 повідомлення
Great Concept: this should allow more people to concentrate on bite size portion to concentrate their talents as well as for users to learn how best to exploit the various features hidden within the S
6 повідомлення
OK, thank you very much. Now I know and will wait until the board arrives next week. 73 Dirk
DXpeditions with SuperFox Mode
8 повідомлення
Indeed, this feature was created to establish connections with DXpeditions. This function must be turned off for daily use. If you want to connect with DXpeditions, then it will be essential to turn o
API or how to communicate with ./sbitx?
3 повідомлення
this is how it works for now. added in row 2382 in web/index.html file /* sbitx application -> webui -> funktionen "send changes" ->python */ // hold value let holding_value = ""; // if changes then..
For external applications, use sbitx
For external applications, use sbitx In this case, the device must be used as a radio, i.e. the IF and Volume levels must be kept as low as possible in order not to over-control the external applicati
setup OLED SSD1306 on SCL_BB/SDA_BB -how?
6 повідомлення
Thanks for all reply. I got i working using the fork! example code running fine! Now i need to find the values to push (or pull) to display. however.. thats a new topic due to #tags does not match any
Sbitx V3 update fails...
2 повідомлення
It is recommended to go with the 64 bit version. More details at https://github.com/drexjj/sbitx/wiki When Farhan fixes his repo, then you can switch back to his code with a little assistance (you can
Source for sBitx V2 or V3 speaker replacement
10 повідомлення
Here one https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/224891376033 Try Google Speaker 5W 8 Ohm 70 x 30mm
Raj vu2zap
#ft8 #sbitx_v2 #sBITX_v3
16 повідомлення
Lars, I have reviewed your code and I want to pull this into my farhandev branch. can you generate a pull request? You have have to rebase your code, I am 8 commits ahead as of this time. - f
Ashhar Farhan
Aluminum Nitride Insulators for the finals on the sBITXv3
6 повідомлення
Thought I replied to this chain but maybe I didn't....If anyone wants to try the AlN pads, check out my Etsy store: ducerf.etsy.com. I am heading out on vacation tomorrow for a week, but if you get an
Jeff Duce
sBITX V3 Enclosure
11 повідомлення
That looks awesome. Is it a metal wrap with 3d-printed ends?
Mike Miller [KD9QHQ]
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