New Nano-VNA-H4 from SEESII User guide?
Matt. Good call! (and yes I bought two of them. ) Also handy is to find a couple of shielded longer cables ending in small alligator clips. Useful to connect to filters, etc. 73 Bill K2TNO
Від William Schrader · #38939 ·
New Nano-VNA-H4 from SEESII User guide?
Don: I think his main concern was about how to turn it on and align it, set freq range and see SWR, for starters. I'm sure that the HP and others allow the user to calculate the "solution to the gener
Від William Schrader · #38937 ·
New Nano-VNA-H4 from SEESII User guide?
Yes. G4WNC Mike Richards published a book that is called NanoVNA H4 Explained. I bought the Kindle edition from Amazon. It's just what you (transl.: "me") need. That flow chart table they pack with it
Від William Schrader · #38930 ·
Calibrating Methods
All: RE: Ray's post, comment 5: Newbies may not yet realize what iseant by STIMULUS ". That's the frequency range you want to scan. When you click Stimulus you are greeted by two important frequency c
Від William Schrader · #38720 ·
Dipole antenna with Low Z0 feed point Impedance
Dave is correct on all these points. The reflected energy is just wasted heating the coax. Bill K2TNO> wrote:
Від William Schrader · #38692 ·
Measure transformers, inductors and trap filters
Gervais: I have good news--- I've had similar difficulties getting to understand what to do with my NanoVNA-H4. I came upon a very informative book that I bought on Amazon to read on my Kindle app in
Від William Schrader · #38537 ·
Measure transformers, inductors and trap filters
Gervail: Thanks for the tip*. There really is NO definitive, easy-to-understand users' manual for the NanoVNA-H4. There are many YouTube sites that you can find. I've looked at many of them as I learn
Від William Schrader · #38519 ·
SWR vs. Resonance
David: About time! K2TNO> wrote:
Від William Schrader · #38403 ·
SWR vs. Resonance
Great reading that saga. Thanks 73 Bill K2TNO> wrote:
Від William Schrader · #38400 ·
SWR vs. Resonance
Yes. The feedlines are all open wire construction <patricio_greco@...> wrote:
Від William Schrader · #38368 ·
SWR vs. Resonance
Some stations have more watts to contend with than others. SEE this photo taken of the SWR and Power meters at the VOA site in Greenville. NC. 73 Bill, K2TNO> wrote:
Від William Schrader · #38365 ·
SWR vs. Resonance
Bernie: Agreed. I've watched that demo video numerous times and always great to see his apparatus. I think the best genius part he shows is the "quarter-wave matching section." His quick segue to hold
Від William Schrader · #38348 ·
SWR vs. Resonance
Maynard: TIGHT LINES! 73, Bill K2TNO [false albacore season about to start here near Cape Lookout NC] <ma.wright@...> wrote:
Від William Schrader · #38343 ·
SWR vs. Resonance
Casting a fly rod is a great adult tool for this... If you try to force the line forward without understanding how the energy must be harmonically acceptable to the line, your line goes forward with s
Від William Schrader · #38341 ·
Effect of asphalt under a 10m 1/2w center fed dipole at 1/2 wave elevation
Dave W0LEV: I sent you a private comment to your QRZ email Bill K2TNO> wrote:
Від William Schrader · #38246 ·
Effect of asphalt under a 10m 1/2w center fed dipole at 1/2 wave elevation
RE: this has been a protracted discussion about tarmac, concrete and other surfaces. Eventually the info will further decline. This debate has reminded me of a similar over-the-moon situation, i.e., a
Від William Schrader · #38242 ·
Effect of asphalt under a 10m 1/2w center fed dipole at 1/2 wave elevation
Andrew, If there is only one location for your dipole, then why do all this fretting? Get on the air and make contacts! Depending on your communication mode, you can make contacts with minimal antenna
Від William Schrader · #38187 ·
Best Way to measure an Inductor.
I agree NOT to add the series resistor> wrote:
Від William Schrader · #38175 ·