Ferromagnetic core modeling.
The help DOES tell. Look for Chan Model; that will get you close. Jim Wagner
Jim Wagner
· #156882
Sweep inductance?
That DOES NOT work, just like it does not work for caps. Jim Wagner
Jim Wagner
· #156881
Sweep inductance?
You run into the same issue as time varying capacitance; you cannot just change inductance with time. How to handle it is in Help, though very obscure. I thought that I had seen it in an older version
Jim Wagner
· #156880
simulating PI controller AC responce effect of ERROR signal of a PLL
To amplify this slightly, a PLL loop is DESIGNED to drive the frequency difference AND the phase difference between the two signals to zero. With that design goal, there cannot be a DC frequency diffe
Jim Wagner
· #156836
simulating PI controller AC responce effect of ERROR signal of a PLL
Drift in the feedback voltage of a PLL usually means that the VCO has poor stability. For example, this WILL happen if the VCO frequency is controlled by a varactor diode (varactor diodes have a subst
Jim Wagner
· #156830
Modulating a square pulse
Not much to explain. Pulse Width varies the width (an equivalent name is duty cycle) with the external signal, leaving the period constant. Period varies the period of the square wave, leaving the pul
Jim Wagner
· #156821
Modulating a square pulse
Or amplitude?
Jim Wagner
· #156818
Modulating a square pulse
Modulate period or modulate pulse width? Jim
Jim Wagner
· #156816
Relay Project
I would argue that the relay model is a "nothing", derived with a fair amount of accuracy, from the voltage-controlled switch. The antenna, now, THAT is a really big challenge. A resistor is, at best,
Jim Wagner
· #156649
Constant Power Load?
Thanks, Andy. When I wrote that, my mind was still in the frame of "making a constant power load". I do appreciate the details, anyway, because I have stumbled over them a few times. Jim
Jim Wagner
· #156386
Constant Power Load?
Thanks, Tony Jim
Jim Wagner
· #156373
Constant Power Load?
Thanks! I thought behavioral sources did not allow instantaneous feedback. Jim
Jim Wagner
· #156372
Constant Power Load?
Greetings - I would like to create a generic constant power load to mimic a SMPS effect on a network with diodes, capacitors, supercaps, and such. It would really be cool if limiting behavior of the l
Jim Wagner
· #156369
Query Required for .asy file generation
You need to ask the EDA support people or forum pr "community". LTspice has nothing to do with the layout process for the board. Jim
Jim Wagner
· #156012
EMG Single vs Dual power supply Gain Question
Is the input signal near the center of the amplifier's specified input common mode range? Jim
Jim Wagner
· #155935
LTspice Webinar
Resending to correct html format mess: On Sat, Oct 12, 2024 at 11:26 AM, Jim Wagner wrote:
Jim Wagner
· #155928
LTspice Webinar
Presented by Electronic Design magazine. It takes a "business-type" registration; In the past I've "faked it" LTspice 24 Webinar: Faster, Better, Easier Circuit Simulation Event Date: Tuesday, October
Jim Wagner
· #155927
Re(x) and Im(x) plots for an RC series circuit
I took Ian's last line as asking about the MEANING of "Imaginary part" of a voltage or current. I understand Imaginary Part as simply being (a part of) one of several equivalent ways of describing pha
Jim Wagner
· #155571
Re(x) and Im(x) plots for an RC series circuit
On your question about Im(V(out)), I think about it this way. In the case of simple RLC circuits, the output voltage is a sine (at the same frequency as the input) that has a different amplitude (usua
Jim Wagner
· #155568
Impedance of Complex network
Sorry, Marcel - I left out some information without realizing it. I am using LTspice XVII for MacOS. The Help index shows nothing about Waveform Arithmetic and I was concerned that Waveform Arithmetic
Jim Wagner
· #155552
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