HTML message editor not available for this group ?
I'm not able to get the HTML editor when I write a message , also reply to messages from other users. This is happenig only on Nanovna-Users Group . Where I'm wrong ? Of course I set the preference on
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #38830
Calibrating Methods
Hi , some figures describing the most common calibration possibilities of a VNA.
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #38713
NanoVNA-App SD Card
Thanks, I remembered wrong. I know the LiteVNA64 card reader function Regards Maurizio
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #38545
NanoVNA-App SD Card
Hi , The NanoVNA-App SD Card function can works with the LiteVNA64 ? Lite VNA64 FW : v1.3.31 NanoVNA-App : v1.1.216 Thanks in advance Best regards Maurizio IZ1MDJ
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #38541
Good course and well worth the time to view
Hi Victor , many thanks for the link. I have the pdf version of the HP-Agilent seminar "Vector Network Analyzer Basics" , by David Ballo and more recent version , but the course with video and verbal
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #38461
Erase Recall
Hi JIM , at the end of the CALIBRATE sequence , you can select DONE or DONE in RAM . Selecting DONE , a new menu appear and you have the choices SAVE TO SD CARD on the one of 6 register . This is the
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #37801
Stacking Torroids
Hi Manfred , congratulations for the measures carried out, on the types of solutions adopted. In my work experience, I have had the opportunity to see AR power directional couplers, using toroids of d
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #37431
VNA Case studies Analysis Interpretation
Hi Bill , at first you can look at the kiwi section of the groups. There are many informations and links on the subsection https://groups.io/g/nanovna-users/wiki#Documentation Of course Keysigth , Nat
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #35217
NanoVNA H4
Hi Karl , you can download the binary executable nanovna-Saver from https://github.com/NanoVNA-Saver/nanovna-saver/releases If you open the sub menu " asset " , you can choice the kind of file downloa
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #34869
Question about Resistance an Reactance of a Common Mode Choke (again)
Hi , on files section I loaded a file https://groups.io/g/nanovna-users/files/ChallengesandsolutionsforImpedance.pdf A very comprehensive presentation by Agilent about measure of impedance , exploring
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #32713
S11 R/ω & X/ω (µΩ / Hz) [S11 R/w X/w (microOhm / Hz]
Many thanks for the xls Best Regards Maurizio
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #32160
S11 R/ω & X/ω (µΩ / Hz) [S11 R/w X/w (microOhm / Hz]
Hi can you post the excel with the formula ? Many thanks Maurizio
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #32158
NanoVNA-App 1.1.211
Hi Ed , found on the nanovna-beta-test a message from DiSlord Update https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t7j3fy65byTZaPron3NEtCgh-MiXTupB/view?usp=sharing Increase font size to 10, fix all dialog buttons
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #31425
Where can I find the latest STM upgrade SW download for a NanoVNA-H4
Hi , some time ago , I solved the proble forcing the installation of the ST driver . Go to location of you have installed the DfuseDemo programa like this on my PC C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectr
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #28521
Question S21 measurement relay
Hi , the problem was the reflection at port S21 , the possible calibration with the nanovna isn't a full 2 port . You may be attenuate this problem inserting an attenuator ( 6 or 10 dB ) at the port S
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #28194
suggestion on open new topics
Hi to all I note, with disappointment, that many members start new discussions on topics already covered in previous discussions. Why not post messages to those threads instead of creating new ones? I
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #28034
TDR doesn't show cable length?
Hi Jim , some information was needed to try to help you. Which version of firmware are you using now , and are you sure that the setup of the nanovna in correct to do the TDR measure ? . the same setu
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #27984
S21 Z series measure
Hi Roger many thanks for your answer . I agree with you , that it was better if invalid option are blocked . I know the S21 series and shunt method to measure the Z . I attached images of my first att
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #27307
S21 Z series measure
Hi , I have a question about the Z conversion feature. If I measure S11 the conversion to | Z | is working very well , but if a measure the S21 ( DUT in the serie method ) the | Z | value indicate is
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #27287
Need help - Where can I find the R and X values??
Hi , using the last version of FW from DiSlord , is possible to select which parameter to see on marker in the Smith Chart . Starting from the main menu select DISPLAY FORMAT SMITH R+jX Maurizio IZ1MD
Maurizio IZ1MDJ
· #27221
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