USB isolator suggestions?
I have had very good success using wideband transformers, as Brian suggests. If you use the configuration shown in Figure 2 here: you can get good res
The Greene Family
· #38864
USB isolator suggestions?
I have built several of these using ADI ADUM3166's and ADUM4166's. I've had zero problem with noise. But, you have to use good engineering practice in their design and execution. The effective primary
The Greene Family
· #38858
So, really, you're missing a time and situation that may not even exist any longer. I hear ya 100%.
The Greene Family
· #36712
"I quit selling, after that." Do you miss the experience? :8^)
The Greene Family
· #36710
I know that online company reviews by employees or ex-employees can be misleading, but I get the impression that he's been @$@%!'ing his employees for years.
The Greene Family
· #36708
Even if you paid $1 for the company, there's probably liabilities of various sorts that are far, far above that. Like warranties, as an example. A lot of small businesses end up not being good deals f
The Greene Family
· #36704
Nanovna-h4 frequency off by 40khz
I think that maybe some more investigation into the cause of your problem might be needed before trying out solutions. This seems more like a system issue, which means that there could be lots of thin
The Greene Family
· #35414
A VNA Trick That Failed
My not entirely ideal remedy to this has been to use well specified attenuators at each port. That tends to mask the imperfections of the real (and imaginary) port impedances. Yeah, there's downsides
The Greene Family
· #32222
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