Hi Kristen, Thanks so much for responding to my email, I really appreciate it. You actually have a month of experience with it. Is there any change that you might have felt? Thank again and the best t
Від dsmills2 · #142665 ·
Thanks so much Christian, if it is not too much trouble, would you please tell me more about it? How much do you use, do you see any improving symptoms, any side effects, anything you can share would
Від dsmills2 · #142663 ·
Good morning to all, I have a question that is not part of this protocol, so please if anyone has used GRAVIOLA,, regardless of the results, please send me a private email with all that you can share.
Від dsmills2 · #142653 ·
Some testimonials, please
Dear Karina, Please accept my condolences,late but it comes from my heart. Thank you for coming back to share your Dad's experience, good times that were gifted to you as well the sad when it didn't w
Від dsmills2 · #142624 ·
Happy Thanksgiving!
Nice message Sandra, yes, we do have so much to be grateful for, even when the times come an not all is easy and nice. Wishing you a lovely Thanksgiving with hope that all is well with you. Even thoug
Від dsmills2 · #142615 ·
Need Motivational Messages Please
Hi Jude, You have brought up a few issues with mom's problems. Not sure what to ask you first but the one that comes to mind would be, being with your mom for the weekend only, do you actually know wh
Від dsmills2 · #142492 ·
3 Months & another visit to the hospital.
Jorge, I take my probiotic before breakfast. By the way, do you take sauerkraut, it is full of probiotics. For myself, I find it keeps my immune system at the optimum. Your second question regarding y
Від dsmills2 · #142460 ·
a little correction
Thank Roie, Your "Healing one day at a time" is a very wise statement. It always reminds me of an article I read a while ago, 'Killing Cancer Softly' . Doing it aggressively can bring on a very seriou
Від dsmills2 · #142458 ·
Insight into possible tumor size increase?
HI, Diann, I will quote a bimagnetism therapist I went to a few times. "There are two eliminations way for it, one is via the kidneys and the other one, via the colon". Kind regards, Dana
Від dsmills2 · #142454 ·
3 Months & another visit to the hospital.
Jorge, I use HMF intensive Genestra, it is our Canadian made and have been using it for years. The one I used some six years ago, I will have to remember it and will let you know when I do. Kind regar
Від dsmills2 · #142453 ·
a little correction
Hi All, I want to add a couple more points to my last message. Firstly, for those who cannot tolerate cow's milk, using goat milk may be a better solution and I have been using it for some time, love
Від dsmills2 · #142447 ·
Question about cottage cheese increasing IGF-1 levels
Hi Edith, My apology for responding to your email this late. I was searching through some posts and came across yours. I always read each email but for some reason I have missed yours. I don't know ho
Від dsmills2 · #142445 ·
Hi Susan, I can only tell you my opinion and how I have done it, not what is right or wrong. I have done it for years, close to six, twice a day and always used it freshly made. I loved it and at that
Від dsmills2 · #142442 ·
3 Months & another visit to the hospital.
"my army of white blood sells is not good any more too many bad soldiers" Hi Jorge, It is more than 9 years since I was told the same thing, only for the opposite reason. My white blood cells just wou
Від dsmills2 · #142443 ·
How can we start with the diet mum is not able to eat
Dear Ell, Your love and care for your mom in law touched my heart but what I have to tell you is not what you want to hear. There are times when we have to face the reality. I don't believe that this
Від dsmills2 · #142375 ·
tumor size increase? have you read my post of couple of days ago to Doebucky?
Diann, check out my email to Doebucky and if you feel like discussing it, do come back here or in my private email. Regards, Dana
Від dsmills2 · #142355 ·
New CT results today - Need Help
Hi Doebucky, I have seen people comment on the tumor getting bigger before it gets smaller but no, I have not heard of a feedback when it did go back down. I so wish that people would come back and te
Від dsmills2 · #142340 ·
New CT results today - Need Help
Hi Doebucky, I think starting with a search for a second opinion after seeing the scan would be very important. You can ask your family doctor to recommend another radiologist that would talk with you
Від dsmills2 · #142337 ·
The Vegetable Which Stops Colon Cancer Cells From Spreading
An excellent article and encouraging to use carrots / carrot juice. Dana
Від dsmills2 · #142299 ·
My tumor is growing 😢
Dear Gigi, I know that your post has touched many hearts here and reading it last night kept you in my thoughts wondering what I can tell you to make your life easier. I woke up today with thinking th
Від dsmills2 · #142294 ·