DFU drivers not loading
Are you looking for DFU mode to update the firmware? If so, you might consider the VNA App program. It is similar to the VNA saver application, but it has a built in firmware upload function.
Від Chris Gardner · #35887 ·
My NanoVNA H4: Si5351 or MS5351 ?
Look at the tag on the back of the Nanovna if it has MS in the version
Від Chris Gardner · #33517 ·
H4 display defect
Greetings, One quick and easy check is to make sure that the front and back halves of the case aren’t too tight putting excessive pressure on the display. Try loosening the screws see if the issue sub
Від Chris Gardner · #31652 ·
New user to H4 model
No problem, enjoy your H4!
Від Chris Gardner · #31651 ·
New user to H4 model
Greetings, May I suggest that you obtain a copy of this document (Absolute Beginners Guide). I am sure you will find the information there. Log In ( https://groups.io/g/nanovna-users/files/Absolute%20
Від Chris Gardner · #31648 ·
which computer software to use?
Greetings, May I suggest that you get a copy of the document I linked from the files section of this group. I am sure you will find it helpful. Log In ( https://groups.io/g/nanovna-users/files/Absolut
Від Chris Gardner · #31497 ·
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading
Greetings, The open, Short, Load calibration is fine for single port measurement. However, there are two additional calibrations to be completed when you intend to perform two port measurements. There
Від Chris Gardner · #31381 ·
New Problem (Bricked?) Re: Trouble Setting Up DFuSE Driver
Very sad, have you considered trying the zadig program to load a driver so it shows up as it should . I recall that got me going when i had a similar issue.
Від Chris Gardner · #31109 ·
New Problem (Bricked?) Re: Trouble Setting Up DFuSE Driver
Greetings, I apologize if my question is redundant. But, I am a bit confused, and I wonder if you would clarify for me. Are you saying the vna doesn't appear in device manager at all, or is it listed
Від Chris Gardner · #31079 ·
New Problem (Bricked?) Re: Trouble Setting Up DFuSE Driver
Greetings, It is important to understand that the NanoVna shows up two different ways depending whether it is in DFU mode, or normal operating mode. In normal mode, it grabs a Comm Port. In DFU mode,
Від Chris Gardner · #31072 ·
Trouble Setting Up DFuSE Driver
Greetings, I have successfully used a program called Zadig to manually overide windows insistance it already had the best driver issue. The Zadig program itself, as well as how to use it can be found
Від Chris Gardner · #31064 ·
Micro SD Card Issue
Greetings, I highly recommend this document from the files section of the group.https://groups.io/g/nanovna-users/files/Absolute%20Beginner%20Guide%20to%20The%20NanoVNA/Absolute_Beginner_Guide_NanoVNA
Від Chris Gardner · #31046 ·
#nanovna-h4 #firmware #flashing
Great, I had a similar experience while attempting my first H4 upgrade. As you say you must first CHOOSE the new firmware file to load the file into the DFU Demo program. Then select UPGRADE to actual
Від Chris Gardner · #31024 ·
#nanovna-h4 #firmware #flashing
Greetings, It is basically a two step process as I recall. (Step1) You first read the new firmware file into the dfu demo program. (Step 2) Is writing the actual file into the device. I hope this migh
Від Chris Gardner · #31016 ·
Measuring Bias-Tee
I may be wrong, but the bias T voltage I was referring to is the voltage in the range of 3 to 5vdc which is supplied by an SDR device (SDRPlay, RTLSDR V3, etc. The small voltage is present across the
Від Chris Gardner · #30972 ·
Measuring Bias-Tee
Greetings, Tha Nano VNA nay not be the best means of measuring a DC voltage. Bias T voltage should be somewhere in the 3vdc to 5vdc range. Using a voltmeter may be a better choice. But, just be aware
Від Chris Gardner · #30970 ·
NANOVNA-H4 hangs after bot.
Not sure if this might apply… But, when my H4 was new, I had some strange behavior, I realized the case was too tight pressing on the display . I opened the case and added a strip of scotch tape to sh
Від Chris Gardner · #30822 ·
Just Saying Hello
Mike welcome to the group. I highly recommend that you download a copy of a file,entitled: The Absolute Beginners Guide to the Nano VNA . The document is superbly written,and can be found in the files
Від Chris Gardner · #30792 ·
Very true I prefer a paper copy also for reference material. So many of the questions I see posted are answered within that Beginners Guide.
Від Chris Gardner · #30580 ·
Greetings, I can't say for sure whether the solution to your specific questions now may be answered in the attached document from the files section of this Nano VNA group. But, what I can say, please
Від Chris Gardner · #30576 ·