Hand touching effects sweep results
I agree with what Stan said. A balun or 'choke balun" at the antenna connection would help. The antenna is balanced, but the co-ax is not. It's not a 'ground' problem, but it is a common one.
Від DougVL · #34748 ·
Hand touching effects sweep results
That sounds like a poor or insufficient ground connection. You're becoming part of the 'ground system' when you touch it.
Від DougVL · #34723 ·
What do I have and what firmware is compatable?
Insufficient info to know. What size is it, 2.8 inches, or 4 inches? Metal case or plastic? What markings (text) on outside of case?
Від DougVL · #34691 ·
Test Cable
The Nano-H (&H4) current firmware has a menu function - Measure: cable. It gives length and loss, and is very simple to use. That could get you started. Check the 'Menu Map" for help finding it.
Від DougVL · #34620 ·
how to measure antenna feedpoint impeadance
Paul - Start simple - connect your nanovna to your feedline and read the impedance. Or - are you asking for all the settings to make on the nanovna in order to be able to read impedance? If that's the
Від DougVL · #34601 ·
Can I update a NanoVNA F unit?
The V2 does not replace the 'current' model. It's more advanced, wider frequency range, and substantially more expensive. The original model is also still current, and still gets firmware updates. The
Від DougVL · #34543 ·
Can NanoVNA-App Import SD Card Files?
Yes I saw that. But it was not a download link, only the title the program. As someone else pointed out, the download link was at the far end of that line, as a small graphic symbol.
Від DougVL · #34323 ·
Can NanoVNA-App Import SD Card Files?
Why can I never find the downloadable EXE file in these 'releases'? I am seeing "https://github.com/DiSlord/NanoVNA-App/tree/main/Win32/Release" but cannot find a link that downloads an EXE file.
Від DougVL · #34305 ·
Question about antenna SWR measurements
Well, "I" would want the readings for the whole system that the rig will "see" not just the antenna's values.
Від DougVL · #34304 ·
How do you measure a car antenna?
Car radio antennas are a 'high impedance' design, and their co-ax cable is also Hi-Z. While 'any antenna' will radiate, some do it FAR better than others. To more directly answer your original questio
Від DougVL · #34057 ·
some Nano VNA SAVER 40m antenna graphs
That will be a very interesting comparison test! I hope you publish all the details and measurements. (Great choices of antennas, too. My full-wave horizontal loop is terrific.)
Від DougVL · #33810 ·
Nano VNA SAVER graphs of a 40m loop antenna
P.S. - I've used 2 different NanoVNAs on the loop and random wire antenna projects, an 'early' clone of the original 2.8 inch, and a NanoVNA-F. Both have been very helpful, and I use them a lot.
Від DougVL · #33771 ·
Nano VNA SAVER graphs of a 40m loop antenna
I have put up 3 long wire loops around my front yard, over the years. The first was made from several pieces of leftover pieces of 14 or 16 gauge THHN stranded wire, patched together with different jo
Від DougVL · #33770 ·
Nano VNA SAVER graphs of a 40m loop antenna
Thanks, Barry! that's a great image. Did you make it with just 'Saver' or did you also use a graphics editing program too? I would really like to be able to make my charts look like yours. The highlig
Від DougVL · #33714 ·
The ultimate nanoVNA-H4 case?
Mine may be larger than most, but I use a Harbor Freight plastic "ammo can" - their smaller sized one. It holds my 2.8 inch nanovna-h, my -F, a 6-compartment box of adapters, a double BNC-to-banana pl
Від DougVL · #33540 ·
I think it is/was because the original software and design were by a Chinese person, and that STIMULUS is the 'direct' or computer translation for the Chinese term for it. Maybe "Excitation" would be
Від DougVL · #33519 ·
IPS screen for NanoVNA H4
You probably already know, but the NanoVNA-F has the IPS screen. I do like mine! (But the -H has more firmware features.)
Від DougVL · #33490 ·
Pickup Coil Construction for Inductor Measuremenfs
I occasionally see them for sale at hamfests. I have gotten a few that way, but I shouldn't have - I haven't used any yet. Not even the big, (relatively) heavy old U.S. military one. If you look for o
Від DougVL · #33367 ·
Pickup Coil Construction for Inductor Measuremenfs
The nano can measure inductance all by itself, too. Or, at least give you the impedance at the frequency you are measuring with. And the recent -H firmware versions have a specific "find resonance" fu
Від DougVL · #33342 ·
NanoVNA with bigger screen
Nanovna-F has 4.3 inch IPS screen and is much more readable outdoors.
Від DougVL · #33321 ·