Looking for recurring sponsors for a strugling talmud chachum
Hi, My name is Josh Shrier. I am an avreich living in Jerusalem. My wife and I are reaching out to the community to help my family so I can stay in learning. Baruch Hashem with Hsahem's help I have fi
Від Josh Shrier · #499086 ·
Free shiur on how to increase your happiness in these days
Hi, This is Josh Shrier, I recently recorded this shiur about how to increase your happiness in our challenging times. The shiur I believe is powerful and has a number of points that can really be tra
Від Josh Shrier · #498954 ·
Highly trained and motivated database programmer looking for work
Hi, My name is Josh Shrier. I have 20+ years of experience in database programming for all different sizes of companies, and for a large variety of industries including non-profts, universites, bio-te
Від Josh Shrier · #498822 ·
An experienced and motivated technology expert is looking for part-time work
Hi, I am an experienced and motivated technology expert is looking for part-time work in the following fields: 1. Database programming mainly in PHP/MySQL 2. Outsourcing- 10 years of experience managi
Від Josh Shrier · #498507 ·
How can you help our fighting soldiers and our Torah learners at the same time?
As all of you know, it has been a very difficult year for Klal Yisroel especially in Eretz Yisroel. The public has been informed that the hardest and most dangerous hours of fighting are from 2 to 5 i
Від Josh Shrier · #498295 ·
Looking for one more sponsor for my Siyum HaShas
Hi, IY"H I am making my second siyum HaShas in about five weeks in Yerushalayim. I baruch Hashem have raised almost all the money I need. As of now, I am short about $500. If anyone on the list wants
Від Josh Shrier · #497901 ·
Looking for sponsor for a Siyum HaShas
Hi, IY"H I am making my second siyum HaShas in about six weeks in Yerushalayim. I baruch Hashem have one sponsor who wants to give about 70% of the amount. As of now, I am short about $600. If anyone
Від Josh Shrier · #497860 ·
Are you interested in building an amazing business website at a great price?
Hi, My name is Josh Shrier. We build high quality professional websites at great prices. If you are interested in having an amazing presence on the web, please email me at joshshrier@.... Refere
Від Josh Shrier · #497414 ·
Are you interested in building an amazing business website at a great cost?
Hi, My name is Josh Shrier. We build high quality professional websites at great prices. If you are interested in having an amazing presence on the web, please email me at joshshrier@.... Refere
Від Josh Shrier · #497356 ·
Looking for some generous yiddin who might have some extra maaser money for a family for Pesach
Hi, Hi, I hope everybody is doing well. I feel very awkward writing this, and I think it's the first time I have ever done this. I had a business investor who was supporting us for the last 2.5 years,
Від Josh Shrier · #497195 ·
Purim is coming!!! Do you want to be happier than ever before without the buzz?
Hi, I am looking to work with a small number of people for FREE who would like to see their happiness and aliveness reach new levels. So much of life's purpose and vitality comes alive with some simpl
Від Josh Shrier · #496914 ·
Looking to start an online entrepreneur group
Hi, I have wanted for a long time to start an entrepreneur group for people who have their own businesses to share ideas, learn from each other and gain referrals and good advice. The basic idea I had
Від Josh Shrier · #496624 ·
SOCIAL: I am looking to start a personal development Zoom group
Hi, I am trying to make a group of people who are interested in coming together once a week on Zoom to discuss topics in personal development. The topics would be things like goal setting, achieving h
Від Josh Shrier · #494417 ·
CHESSEDOFF:Special Worldwide Women's Kabbalah Initiative before Yom Kippur-You are invited to join!
Dear Women and Girls, Baruch Hashem, Thousands of women and girls have already merited to strengthen themselves By accepting upon themselves a small commitment in Modesty, in Tzniut, Through the speci
Від Josh Shrier · #489140 ·
JOB OFFER: Sales representative for a startup business (good commissions)
Hi, I have a startup company called Next Level Services that offers a large variety of technical, consulting, and other business services to small business owners. We are looking right now for one par
Від Josh Shrier · #488705 ·
ADVICE: Business advisory services for free
Hi, My name is Josh Shrier. I have been working in business and development for about 20 years now. I work part time as a computer programmer, but my passion is working with small business owners to h
Від Josh Shrier · #487896 ·
ADVICE: : ISO: Recommendations for a beta user for my company's software
Hi, My company has produced full featured software that runs any standard blue collar business. The software tracks all client communications and information. It also tracks all estimates, project man
Від Josh Shrier · #485781 ·
ADVICE: ISO: Recommendation for a good general contractor
Hi, I am doing some market research into the general contracting business for the purposes of building good project management software for them. In the meantime, I am looking for names and phone numb
Від Josh Shrier · #481688 ·
WA NTED:Looking for high quality blue collar service providers in the area
Hi all, I have a software business, and my team and I are building a prototype to run blue collar businesses of all types. It will hopefully be ready for market in the next 60-90 days. I am looking fo
Від Josh Shrier · #479248 ·
SDVICE: A new inspiring podcast to get your day off on the right foot!!
Check out this inspiring episode about a man named Saul Blinkoff, who in almost miraculous fashion achieved his dream of becoming an animator at Disney. Enjoy!!! http://fiveminutestohappiness.com/unca
Від Josh Shrier · #478996 ·