NanoVNA APP does not have New Coax Dislord Functions
Maybe. It kind of depends on the amplifier - some just fold back when the voltage at the output terminals gets too high (to protect the transistors). That is, the protection circuit on most amps doesn
Jim Lux
· #38992
Querry a tuners' settings for L&C with a NanoVNA
Of course, given that they’re not resistive 50 ohms on both sides, the fact that there’s a “mismatch” might not be a big deal - For instance, a DC power supply has a 0 ohm output impedance, and transf
Jim Lux
· #38979
Measuring Attenuators
i figured it had, such an obvious thing to have. Now, if you want .sNp files, you'll have to do some monkeying around. And if you want S11, you'd need a resistor in series with the source, and an inpu
Jim Lux
· #38916
Measuring Attenuators
Totally a reasonable idea. You’ll only get S21. If you want S11 and S21, then you need a stereo interface, and some series resistors
Jim Lux
· #38913
Measuring Attenuators
Something like this: FNIRSI® Upgrade DSO-510 2 IN 1 Mini Handheld Digital Oscilloscope DDS ( ) ( ) ( https://
Jim Lux
· #38897
Measuring Attenuators
I don’t think the NanoVNA is the way to do this. Not only is the “bottom” end of the synthesized source a bit high, but the whole “what’s the step size of the PLL” thing might bite you. I’d look for a
Jim Lux
· #38896
USB isolator suggestions?
One reason might be that a USB optical link (which is hard to find, FWIW) doesn’t require “opening up the NanoVNA”. (Or a USB/WiFi) In some situations, being able to “plug and play” without needing to
Jim Lux
· #38868
USB isolator suggestions?
yeah, but you still have a conductor in the near field of the antenna under test. It would solve the "measuring at the end of a balanced transmission line" thing. And, of course, galvanic isolation is
Jim Lux
· #38862
USB isolator suggestions?
having just been searching for a "copper-less" USB fiber optic connection (precisely for this sort of antenna testing application at work): they aren't easy to come by, and are kind of expensive ($900
Jim Lux
· #38843
settings for spectrum analyzer use? (I understand it has serious limits)
Clever idea - the RBW is a few kHz, and it’s not particularly sensitive (i.e. somewhere between -10 and 0 dBm is S21 of 0). Noise floor is around -80 dB (on S21 log mag), so you’d need -60 dBm into th
Jim Lux
· #38836
What nanoVNA and from Where
or even the original one with the small screen Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S24, an AT&T 5G smartphone
Jim Lux
· #38808
Choke measurement
Sure, but it’s tricky because the fixture itself has some parasitic C. Measuring the resonant frequency is a decent way, especially if the C is the “self-C” of the coil. You measure the L at some freq
Jim Lux
· #38732
Choke measurement
I'll guess it's how the parasitic C is calculated. What's the assumption for how the field is distributed around the winding - it's not half in the PTFE (at what epsilon) and half in air. The change i
Jim Lux
· #38718
Dipole antenna with Low Z0 feed point Impedance
That's the "first bounce" and I'm not sure I'd call it loss - it's more the "how much gets into the antenna vs how much was sent into the feedline". Some of the power reflected back down the transmiss
Jim Lux
· #38689
Dipole antenna with Low Z0 feed point Impedance
That 100 microBel precision is probably spurious <grin> But in all seriousness, the loss/length really only applies if there’s an integer number of half wavelengths (so you go through all combinations
Jim Lux
· #38654
Dipole antenna with Low Z0 feed point Impedance
there's a bunch of definitions there's also the 2d^2/lambda when measuring gain on an antenna rangeSent via the Samsung Galaxy S24, an AT&T 5G smartphone
Jim Lux
· #38643
measuring gain of multi band vertival antenna (GAP Titan DX)
Indeed but modeling multiband antennas with traps and internal components with multiple coupling mechanisms can be full of interesting challenges Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S24, an AT&T 5G smartphone
Jim Lux
· #38600
An OSL box at the antenna?
that's what I've done modified a RCS-8 to add a load and a shortpython script steps it through the csl sequenceSent via the Samsung Galaxy S24, an AT&T 5G smartphone
Jim Lux
· #38422
parasitic capacitance tests
I would think that you would do it by setting up a circuit with the transistor in an operating configuration (whether CE, CC, or CB) with biases, and DC blocks to/from the VNA and then measuring the p
Jim Lux
· #38374
SWR vs. Resonance
forward and reflected waves are just an interpretation. At any given point on a transmission line there is an instantaneous current and instantaneous voltage. The "traveling/standing wave" is a concep
Jim Lux
· #38364
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