Audio frequency version of a NanoVNA
Neil, The HP3577A VNA with HP35676A test set covers from 5Hz to 200MHz. Only weighs about 70lb. Some versions of the NanoVNA-H4 firmware work down to 800Hz (I don't know how well). I don't know if the
John Gord
· #38569
Why so many different names for the firmware .DFU files?
If you are in the US, R and L Electronics ( has the 3GHz NanoVNA SAA2N at $110 and the 6GHz LiteVNA64 at $160. I have both, and have been very happy with R and L as a supplier. --John Gord
John Gord
· #38531
NanoVNA <---> TinySA ultra
The "rock solid 50 ohms" is probably due to the 30dB attenuator. --John Gord
John Gord
· #38324
One practical use of the VNA phase measurement would be in adjusting the phase of the feeds to a multi-radiator antenna. A pair of stacked vertical dipoles can increase gain in the horizontal directio
John Gord
· #38078
NanoVNA H4 SD Card Usage
Paul, Save Config doesn't save the trace setup. SAVE in the CALIBRATE menu does that (and saves the frequency range, too). --John Gord
John Gord
· #38004
Latest version NanoVNA SAA-2N
Dave, If you are in the US, R&L Electronics ( ) has been a reliable source: --John Gord
John Gord
· #37485
Fw: P.A. Input Z check
Peter, The input impedance of a power amplifier may be very dependent on signal level. You would get more reliable results by driving the input of the PA at the correct signal level through a directio
John Gord
· #37445
Ojisan Firmware on NanoVNA V2 Plus4 stuck white screen
I think the Ojisan firmware is intended for the NanoVNA V2, not the V2 plus4. --John Gord
John Gord
· #36781
NanoVNA "V2 Plus4 + ojisan FW" or "V2 Plus4 Pro"?
Rasoul, The SAA-2 and SAA-2N can use the Ojisankoubou firmware. They work fine for crystal tests. Adjusting bandwidth and averaging settings is sometimes needed for high-Q filters. The Ojisankoubou fi
John Gord
· #36346
Nonovna H4 port limits
Better measurements of S11 at reduced signal levels can be made if you are willing to modify (at least temporarily) your NanoVNA. The drive to the S11 bridge can be reduced. This will reduce signal ou
John Gord
· #36171
Problem Measuring Crystal Parameters H4 DISLORD 1.2.20
Dean, I notice that at series resonance, the S21 value is slightly above unity (+0.04dB). This is non-physical, and may be confusing the crystal parameter calculations. You might want top put an atten
John Gord
· #35156
NanoVNA-H and H4
Leon, Did you go to the Stimulus menu and try setting a lower Start frequency? --John Gord
John Gord
· #34514
NanoVNA (Classic) or NanoVNA-H4 for filters, crystals etc.
On most firmware versions, the averaging or bandwidth settings can be manipulated to give longer settling time at each frequency step. This helps for narrowband devices. --John Gord
John Gord
· #33419
Crazy swr readings on vhf/uhf
Cesar, Are you sure you saved the full calibration? I only see C4, D at the left of the screen. On my NanoVNA-V2, I also see R and S after a calibration. I think these are for Reflection tracking and
John Gord
· #32077
Measuring ferrite rod impedances
Zack, Most test equipment specifies a warm-up time before meeting specs. The NanoVNA-V2 includes an internal self-check to compensate for temperature changes. (It measures an internal known impedance
John Gord
· #32030
NanoVNA-App in app calibration problem (bug?)
I don't use NanoVNA-App, but if I recall correctly, the short and open standards can be defined with an offset (as opposed to "ideal" with no offset). How are they defined in your setup? If they are d
John Gord
· #31573
NanoVNA-App in app calibration problem (bug?)
It looks like part of the problem may have to do with how you short the cable. Are you shorting it exactly the same in the calibration and for the plots you sent? (I assume the calibration is done wit
John Gord
· #31570
cal isolation
On professional VNAs like the 8753, the internal isolation of the hardware is so good that the isolation calibration step is only useful if you are using a fixture that has isolation problems. For the
John Gord
· #31467
cal isolation
tekguy, You should connect 50 ohm loads to both connectors. If you have an attenuator of 10 dB or more, that can be used as a reasonable 50 ohm load. --John Gord
John Gord
· #31463
NanoVNA H4 calibration anomaly
John, Are you sure that your phase trace is looking at S21 phase and not S11 phase? --John Gord
John Gord
· #31179
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