Software for Android
I am on 13 as well, strange. But I was sent a link to it and side loaded to my tablet and is working fine now. Greg KE4OOO> wrote:
Greg Parsons
· #38944
Software for Android
I too see the nanovna web app in the store, but it won't let me download it as it tells me it is for an older device.> wrote:
Greg Parsons
· #38934
Software for Android
Hello to the group and a very happy holiday to all, I am trying to find an app that will work on my android phone or tablet, the software in the wiki claims it is for an older version of the android O
Greg Parsons
· #38932
Is this a good choice?
I found this one on Amazon and was wondering if it was a good choice.
Greg Parsons
· #37949
Fw: New Products at R&L Electronics
I was just going to post the same thing. Will be calling them Monday to see if they have them in stock. Greg Ke4ooo
Greg Parsons
· #12323
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