making quark from goat milk
Hi Gabi! I seldom post but I have been rejoicing at your healing since I read your post! I too ran from hospital after diagnosis and surgery. I succumbed to family pressure and had one round of RCHOP
Grace Almleaf
· #148003
Prostate and Budwig/FSCC
How is he doing now? This clinic would be very helpful to so many 🙏🏻 Sent from Grace’s iPhone ✨
Grace Almleaf
· #147897
Dairy and prostate malignancy
Beautifully said Dan. I don’t post often, but follow daily. I am 14 years in survival, after graduating hospice at the 14 month mark, 12 months longer than my oncologist gave me. I did a little of eve
Grace Almleaf
· #147730
Reversing atherosclerosis with Budwig?
I’m also curious on arterial calcification reversal on Budwig? Sent from Grace’s iPhone ✨
Grace Almleaf
· #147178
Connecting with survivors
Go with how YOU feel! Not the doctors numbers. Rest and move around as much as tolerated. Keep up the juicing and nutrients you get from the foods on Budwig. I am a Hospice graduate and I am believing
Grace Almleaf
· #147105
JoAnne Shott
Her thoughtful comments were a source of comfort to me on my own journey with lymphoma. Please accept my deepest sympathy for you and your family 🙏🏻😔❤️ Sent from Grace’s iPhone ✨
Grace Almleaf
· #147092
By Golly I Think It Works
So very happy to read this Terri! I don’t often post but keep going and believing you are healed ❤️ I am 12 years into life after being ex with aggressive lymphoma. Surgery and RCHOP which I quit afte
Grace Almleaf
· #147020
Budwig Diet - Supplements or no Supplements.
Hi Ashley, I have diffuse large B-cell NH lymphoma. It is a fast and aggressive form, and I have outlived my expiration date by 9 years. Budwig was the first diet change I made, and I also used a Chin
Grace Almleaf
· #146595
Budwig Diet - Supplements or no Supplements.
Dear Malcolm, I don’t post often, I am 12 years out from a terminal prognosis of lymphoma. I find that the fewer supplements the better, as this protocol is so nutrient dense! I do take D3 2000mg dail
Grace Almleaf
· #146576
To Sandra Olson
Have I missed something? Has something changed with Sandra and the website? I echo how important Sandra’s free video was to me when I was first dx in 2010, and I was a member on and off over the years
Grace Almleaf
· #146438
Excellent information! Thank you 🥰 Sent from Grace’s iPhone ✨
Grace Almleaf
· #146411
Stage 4 breast cancer
Thank you Doebucky for sharing your supplements and healing protocol. I am not on Budwig yet, I am recovering from Covid slowly. I do have non hodgekins lymphoma and have had surgery and 1 round of RC
Grace Almleaf
· #146305
Oh my goodness! Thank you everyone, some I have been doing, I actually have quercetin from pure encapsulations that is unopened as I never knew what to really use it for. It’s less than a year old. Ro
Grace Almleaf
· #146224
Hello everyone, I am hoping someone can advise on ways to get through Covid. I am one week into this dreadful virus, and had a monoclonal antibody infusion on day 4. It’s not good I am fighting on eve
Grace Almleaf
· #146216
still struggling
Hello all, I have been living with NHL Bcell for the last 10 years. I had surgery and chemo, no radiation thankfully. I have been on and off following the protocol, but since i do not have a gall blad
Grace Almleaf
· #145831
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