Bach / Bach Mailing List (BML)
Group Description Discussions of Bach Cantatas & his other vocal works, his instrumental works, music theory and musicological issues related to J.S. Bach. The Bach Mailing List continues 3 mailing lists hosted in YahooGroups: - Bach Cantatas Mailing List (BCML): discussions of Bach Cantatas & his other vocal works. - Bach Recordings Mailing List (BRML): discussions of J.S. Bach's ...
239 Members, 813 Topics, Public Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
bachchorhg / Bachchor Bad Homburg
Diese Gruppe betrifft aktuelle Mitteilungen für Mitglieder des Bachchors der Erlöserkirche Bad Homburg. Der Chor besteht zur Zeit aus ca. 125 Sängerinnen und Sängern, und einem kleineren Ensemble für Kammermusik sowie a-cappella-Werke, dem Kammerchor (ca. 40 Mitglieder). Jedes Jahr finden mehrere große Kirchenkonzerte in der Erlöserkirche in Bad Homburg statt. Über den Chor und die Konzer...
180 Members, 4,217 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Останнє повідомлення:
Bach Family Genealogy Research
9 Members, 1 Тема, Public Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
bachkhoathu / Bách Khoa Thư
Bách Khoa Thư. Group to exchange and sharing knowledge in Vietnamese.
59 Members, 42 Теми, Public Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
Bachman-genealogy / Bachman History and Genealogy
A genealogy discussion group for Bachman, Bachmann, Baughman, and all other variations of the surname pronounced in this way.
23 Члени, 1 Тема, Public Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
BACHomeschoolers / Bay Area Christian Homeschoolers (BACH)
A group for members of Bay Area Christian Homeschoolers (BACH). Bay Area Christian Homeschoolers is a group whose membership includes both private and public/charter Christian home educators in Santa Clara County, California, and surrounding areas. Our purpose is to encourage, support, and mentor one another in our shared conviction that Jesus Christ should have first place in our lives and in our...
192 Члени, 9 002 Теми, Private Archive, Restricted, Останнє повідомлення:
BACHotline / BACHotline
Berkeley Arts & Culture Hotline (BACHotline) is a resource for local groups and individuals wanting to announce or receive info on art events, festivals, newsletters, press releases, art openings, art jobs, RFPs, or anything else about the arts and culture scene in and around Berkeley. The BACHotline currently has about 900 people on it who are active in the local art community. If you h...
828 Members, 1 671 Тема, Public Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
back-to-the-future / Indie Guild - Strong In Groups

9 Members, 12 Topics, Private Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
A place to share videos and photos you must be 18yrs to join . More to come later.
3 Члени, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
BackBayAstro / Back Bay Amateur Astronomers
Back Bay Amateur Astronomers is a non-profit organization located in Southeastern Virginia that is dedicated to promoting amateur astronomy. We have an extensive schedule of public observing events and school visitations. That schedule can be seen at the NIGHT SKY NETWORK BBAA events calendar, accessible from the Group Website link below.. This group will provide a forum for members, prospective m...
234 Члени, 18,107 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Останнє повідомлення:
backcountryhorseak / Mat-Su Back Country Horsemen of Alaska
The Mat-Su Back Country Horsemen of Alaska group to discuss meetings, trails, events, and other projects or topics of interest.
78 Members, 452 Теми, Private Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
Formerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – Backes
4 Члени, 6 Topics, Public Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
Backshop / Backshop Exchange Group
A list for those persons who wish to buy, sell or trade railroad related articles of either a prototype, model or railfan nature. The posting rules are as follows: COMMERCIAL (for-profit) ADS... Once per month per 'For Sale' or 'Wanted' ad. NON-COMMERCIAL (personal) ADS... Once per week per 'For Sale' or 'Wanted' ad. ANNOUNCEMENT ADS... Once per month for regularly ...
181 Учасник, 1,057 Topics, Public Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
BackToWriting / BackToWriting
An email class on Getting Back to Writing...with daily lectures and instructor comments on always-optional homework. Taught by Laurie Schnebly Campbell from January 8-19, 2024. For registration email Laurie at for the ($40) PayPal address or ($35) check mailing address. Or if you'd like a PayPal link, you can copy-and-paste the following into your browser: https:/...
5 Members, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Останнє повідомлення:
Our little bit of Paradise on Lake Keowee.
1 Учасник, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
"This is a list for the backwoodsman to share information pertaining to all subjects about the outdoors! This list is a place where we can learn not only backwoods living but also find out why we need to do so in the first place. We all need to know more backwoods skills, so this is a place to let others know your skills and maybe pick up a few other skills from others. Anything from fire star...
33 Члени, 23 742 Теми, Private Archive, Restricted, Останнє повідомлення:
Building, maintaining, or just plain having fun with backyard ice rinks.
8 Members, 4 Теми, Public Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
Biggar Association for Community Living
9 Members, 331 Тема, Private Archive, Останнє повідомлення:
GPUS ballot access working group UNOFFICIAL
8 Members, 3 Теми, Public Archive, Restricted, Останнє повідомлення:
bacs / Blaine Auxiliary Communications Service
We are a group of radio communications specialists who volunteer for the Blaine, Washington Police Department to serve our community. Our primary objective is to be always ready to provide emergency communications services for the citizens of Blaine and the surrounding communities in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency. We manage a program of ongoing training for our members and w...
15 Members, 215 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Останнє повідомлення: