Step by step on measuring inductor and self resonance
The calculated inductance value includes self-capacitance. Some people call this effective inductance, but I just call it inductance since that's what you would measure with an instrument. Internally
Від Brian Beezley · #38902 ·
Step by step on measuring inductor and self resonance
Patricio, this calculator may interest you for inductor design. Its Q accuracy is within a few percent on average for test coils measured with an HP 4342A Q meter. Worst case Q error is < 10%. It has
Від Brian Beezley · #38895 ·
Step by step on measuring inductor and self resonance
Maybe just lifting the inductor ground lead while doing the open calibration would work. Brian
Від Brian Beezley · #38893 ·
Step by step on measuring inductor and self resonance
Patricio, thanks for correcting me about calibration nullifying port capacitance. However, I don't think it can nullify stray capacitance to ground due to a fixture or large inductor size. When using
Від Brian Beezley · #38892 ·
Step by step on measuring inductor and self resonance
I think the best way to measure inductor self-resonant frequency is to place it between the VNA ports and find the transmission loss peak. Using just a single port parallels its capacitance with the i
Від Brian Beezley · #38886 ·
USB isolator suggestions?
Brent, check out the Coilcraft SWB1010, SWB2010, and SWB3010 wideband RF transformers. They are cheap and readily available. Their response is very flat over HF. Depending on the accuracy you need, yo
Від Brian Beezley · #38859 ·
Choke measurement
No, Bob. Place one lead of the choke into the center conductor of the first VNA port. Place the other lead into the center conductor of the second port. Measure the power transmitted from the first po
Від Brian Beezley · #38688 ·
Choke measurement
The RLC model is an approximation valid only for a coil below parallel self-resonance. Series resonances occur above. These two papers cover coil self-resonance in detail:
Від Brian Beezley · #38672 ·
Choke measurement Brian
Від Brian Beezley · #38663 ·
Effect of asphalt under a 10m 1/2w center fed dipole at 1/2 wave elevation
Andy, the N in THHN means nylon. It's the clear outer cover over the PVC. If your THHN is like the stuff I've used for antennas, after several months you'll find nylon scattered about under the antenn
Від Brian Beezley · #38241 ·
SWR vs. Resonance
Many times I've been tempted to jump into a discussion of 5/8-wave verticals to point this out. The ones hams use at VHF do not deserve their reputation as a gain antenna. Modeling results for broadsi
Від Brian Beezley · #38132 ·
L & R measurement of a coil
François, I don't think the program documentation is suitable for you. I think you should try another program. Brian
Від Brian Beezley · #37597 ·
L & R measurement of a coil
This program is probably more accurate than a NanoVNA: Brian
Від Brian Beezley · #37589 ·
Закрито Bluetooth interface?
Thanks for sharing your experience, Clyde. Have you used Bluetooth while measuring an antenna? I'm also curious about the range you get. HC-05 modules quote 10 meters. That would be enough to remotely
Від Brian Beezley · #37474 ·
Закрито Bluetooth interface?
Here's a better idea: implement delayed recording. You press the VNA button and recording to the SD card begins sometime later. Neil might need a few minutes to haul the antenna with VNA to the desire
Від Brian Beezley · #37463 ·
Закрито Bluetooth interface?
Perhaps someone who has installed a Bluetooth module in a NanoVNA can tell us whether they have noticed any interference, especially when measuring an antenna. That provides an opportunity for the Blu
Від Brian Beezley · #37462 ·
Закрито Bluetooth interface?
Dave, do you have any evidence that installing a Bluetooth module causes interference with NanoVNA measurement? Brian
Від Brian Beezley · #37460 ·
S21 Errors
Roger, I don't own a VNA. I write programs that use Touchstone files. A few files originated from a DG8SAQ VNA, but most are from the NanoVNA-H4. The NanoVNA does not account for the port impedances w
Від Brian Beezley · #37040 ·
[Ham-Antennas] [nanovna-users] Velocity factor measurement
I take that back. The vertical lines make it pretty easy to spot an embedded response. But there sure is a lot of unnecessary stuff to wade through. End of demonstration. Back to brief quotes. Brian
Від Brian Beezley · #37034 ·
[Ham-Antennas] [nanovna-users] Velocity factor measurement
This equation is incorrect. Dave, I have quoted the entire message as you typically do. I want you to see how hard this makes it to locate a response within. Brian
Від Brian Beezley · #37033 ·