Software for Android
Jerry, I just checked my kernel 5.10.209. Just updated within a couple days. I installed the app on 12/8/24.
Від Peter (WB3IZU) · #38957 ·
Software for Android
Installed recently on android 14 from Play Store. Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G.
Від Peter (WB3IZU) · #38948 ·
Latest recommended H4
AURSINC was recommended from Groups.IO at Amazon. I got a NanoVNA-H from them. I had a problem, they replaced no questions asked. I like what I have and can recommend.
Від Peter (WB3IZU) · #35663 ·
Beginner adapter question
I use these connectors with my NanoVNA-H:
Від Peter (WB3IZU) · #35029 ·
NanoVNA Saver on Mac
I am running a Macbook Air M1 with NanoVNA-Saver 0.6.2. I followed the instructions here: I do not use Macports, so did th
Від Peter (WB3IZU) · #34893 ·
What do I have and what firmware is compatable?
I'm missing something here. I've looked all through "Files" and cannot find 1.2.24. Can ou please link to within "Files". 73, Peter WB3IZU
Від Peter (WB3IZU) · #34722 ·
What might I be doing wrong?
Patrick, I got a NanoVNa H (small one) several months ago from AURSINC. I tried it out on a couple 2M HT antennas and a 2M / 70CM dipole I built. I got readings similar to yours on the HTs and much be
Від Peter (WB3IZU) · #34440 ·
Nano VNA Firmware Upgrade
I've just been down this road, encountering many problems. My environment is MacOS Ventura 13.5 on a Macbook Air M1. I also run Windows 11 in a virtual machine with VMware Fusion. I could never get th
Від Peter (WB3IZU) · #33783 ·
FW flashing with STM32CubeProgrammer
I have made some progress. I wanted to be able to extract the FW from my device for backup. I can't seem to find FW that matches mine online. This (
Від Peter (WB3IZU) · #33776 ·
FW flashing with STM32CubeProgrammer
I am doing something wrong. I uploaded bin file of memory to my computer (NanoVNA.H.v1.1.00FromVanoVNA.bin). If I compare what I saved to my computer to memory, I get a match. I then downlodaed from d
Від Peter (WB3IZU) · #33755 ·
FW flashing with STM32CubeProgrammer
I think I have finally gotten something installed to flash new FW on my NanoVNA-H. I installed STM32CubeProgrammer on MacOS Ventura. I tried, unsuccessfully, on Windows 11 under VMWare Fusion. In addi
Від Peter (WB3IZU) · #33745 ·
Couple problems with NanoVNA H?
Thanks KD8CDG. It is just an exchange at AMZ. says if buying from AMZ besure AURSINC, which is where I got it.
Від Peter (WB3IZU) · #33718 ·
Couple problems with NanoVNA H?
Thanks to both of you. I got it off AMZ. It is about 2 weeks old, will return.
Від Peter (WB3IZU) · #33713 ·
Couple problems with NanoVNA H?
I am very new to this NanonVNA, so I don't rule out user error. I'm trying to determine if the operation of my device is normal or defective. It seems to me that it runs warm. With use it heats up ver
Від Peter (WB3IZU) · #33709 ·