
Pinning a row to the top in a Database
Hello, I am trying to find a way to adjust the order of the rows in a group database such that the fifth row is then the top row without exporting, modifying, and the uploading the database as it woul
Від ECRW President ·
Subscription to database changes 5 повідомлення
Thank you Andy. I didn't know about these owners manuals until just now. Guess I'd better spend some time with it. I think I now understand what I did and it's not an individual database, but all the
Від Barbara-Lynn Smith ·
I can't migrate My Contacts from Yahoo Group 5 повідомлення
Not until December 15. --Erik
Від Erikag59 ·
Database question re: repeatable forms 4 повідомлення
You can have as many databases/tables as you want. As each is created, you can set other options for accessing/changing the information. See https://groups.io/helpcenter/membersmanual/1/working-with-d
Від Duane ·
how to add yahoogroups members to the 3 повідомлення
You first have to download a list of members from Y!G. To do this, you must have Moderator permission in the group. Instructions can be found at https://help.yahoo.com/kb/groups/SLN35505.html (click o
Від ... · Змінено
Mass email 3 повідомлення
Peter, That's what the group's Posting email address (on the home page) does. Likewise New Topic and Reply from the web interface. The only members who wouldn't get that are those who've set their Ema
Від Shal Farley ·
Databases - sorting 3 повідомлення
I feared so. OK thanks.
Від Jim Champ ·
How to delete Database 4 повідомлення
You're welcome. There are so many options and features on groups.io that it's sometimes difficult to keep track of them all. I'm not complaining because it makes the site so much more flexible. Duane
Від Duane ·
Upload #Database to Groups? 3 повідомлення
William, In Groups.io hashtags are only significant in the message subject. While your message was pending I edited it to put a # in front of the word "Database", thus making it a hashtag. The effect
Від Shal Farley ·
Unable to remove columns in newly created database!
Hello. I just created a new database in my new groups. I added some columns then wanted to remove one. I was thinking that I would do that by tapping on the X in the top right-hand side of the box-tha
Від Neil ·