Can LTspice show Cross Over distortion of a class B type amplifiers...
1.Use.TRAN analysis, not .AC, because that doesn't show non-linearity. 2. Check that the current through the output devices is very small with no input signal. On 2024-12-30 10:36, dlwarr911 via group
Від John Woodgate · #157111 ·
Autotransformer deep questions!
That's usually the value that matters. At lower voltages, the (calculated) inductance is normally higher, because of the nonlinearity of the B-H curve. But the small-signal inductance (as measured by
Від John Woodgate · #157105 ·
Autotransformer deep questions!
You are still struggling with a complicated transformer. Start with a simple winding with just one tap, with the mains supply across the whole winding, and no separate 'secondary' winding. When you ge
Від John Woodgate · #157077 ·
Autotransformer deep questions!
Use the cursor instead of MEAS statements, which are so easily wrongly-written. On 2024-12-26 22:32, Bell, Dave via wrote:
Від John Woodgate · #157068 ·
Autotransformer deep questions!
Inductance is proportional to turns squared, not square root. Start with a simpler winding with one tap, and look at the directions of current flow. In an autotransformer, the 'secondary' current oppo
Від John Woodgate · #157062 ·
LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
Difficulty number 4. I don't know of anything similar, and I would say that it's very old technology. A modern stabilized AC supply would use quite different, probably high-frequency switching, techni
Від John Woodgate · #157033 ·
LM324 based automatic voltage stabilizer circuit simulation
Quite apart from that, it's impossible to simulate that complex circuit without the full specification of every component. This is undoubtedly impracticable. On 2024-12-24 20:12, Bell, Dave via groups
Від John Woodgate · #157031 ·
OPA891 / OPA2891 Model Needed
Do both; put them in the .ASC folder AND in your library. Terabytes are ten a penny now. On 2024-12-23 22:26, Jerry Lee Marcel via wrote:
Від John Woodgate · #157011 ·
LMH6321 Buffer Not Working
Those two files don't help, I think. We need the .ASC, and please ZIP files if there is more than 1 to upload. On 2024-12-22 23:01, Group Notification wrote: The following items have been added to the
Від John Woodgate · #156982 ·
Ferromagnetic core modeling.
You can usually write 'µ' in email and elsewhere using ALT-0181 on the numeric keypad. On 2024-12-22 22:51, Richard Andrews via wrote: Thanks Dave.
Від John Woodgate · #156980 ·
Looking for ideal fully differential amplifier spice model
Well, it's very difficult to have 'comprehensive' without 'complex', unless you are prepared to write your own models, or add real-life parameters to existing simpler models. On 2024-12-22 15:29, Tom
Від John Woodgate · #156963 ·
Looking for ideal fully differential amplifier spice model
What I mean is that there are few real-life BIBO opamps,from which SPICE models with real-life features, such as offset and PSRR could be produced. On 2024-12-22 15:03, Tom via wrote:
Від John Woodgate · #156959 ·
Looking for ideal fully differential amplifier spice model
Yes, because it's quite easy, and probably cheaper, to use 2 or 3 sections of a quad opamp to make a good balanced-in/balanced-out circuit. On 2024-12-22 13:31, Tom via wrote:
Від John Woodgate · #156953 ·
Whither 4053_tercio.asy
Story of my life! That's why I usually use 'JMW' rather than 'JW', but at one time there were at least three people called John Michael Woodgate (only very distantly related, if at all) in Britain. On
Від John Woodgate · #156947 ·
Whither 4053_tercio.asy
I can live without them, and I'm sure Andy will provide all the help you need. On 2024-12-21 23:25, Andy I via wrote:
Від John Woodgate · #156945 ·
OPA891 / OPA2891 Model Needed
It will nearly do that if you create your own libraries for symbols and models. See 'Settings > Search paths' in the Help. You do have to select the folder from a drop-down list. On 2024-12-21 15:56,
Від John Woodgate · #156935 ·
OPA891 / OPA2891 Model Needed
It's unwise to store your stuff in the LTspice 'working copies' of the native folders, that also should never be touched. This is because your 'LTspice' becomes different from those of everyone else,
Від John Woodgate · #156927 ·
OPA891 / OPA2891 Model Needed
Very good advice. You can also, with advantage, do both; save in both locations, so that in 2027 you won't need to recall which schematic directory the model is in. On 2024-12-20 14:45, Andy I via gro
Від John Woodgate · #156925 ·
RON vs Vds
I suppose that Rds depends on die temperature, too, so large signal Rds is a thicket, not a value. On 2024-12-20 12:25, Andy I via wrote:
Від John Woodgate · #156920 ·
LTspice 24.1 Beta Available Now
Beta, Betta, Bettastill. On 2024-12-19 22:28, Andy I via wrote:
Від John Woodgate · #156909 ·